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Date Posted: 08:25:25 06/06/02 Thu
Author: Enchanted
Subject: *weeps*
In reply to: Ash 's message, "You....." on 22:31:51 06/05/02 Wed

*Enchanted stares at the two of them. She had a mixture of emotions chirning around inside her. She felt so much lvoe for this stallion, she felt angry with him abandoning her, and she felt weak with heart brake. She stood on her trembling knees and confronted him with a burst of courage.*

"Phantom, when you told me you loved me so much. I accepted that. I have loved you for so long. Ever since i saw you forst in the Joining Haven in Wishful Falls. As a dranicorn you were so brave, strong and good hearted. I fell in love with you, the moment i set eyes apon you. I thought you were the one that I had dreamed of all my life. That very same night that i had seen you for the firsdt time i drempt. I drempt of you and me. Before i had seen you i had, had dreams where i was with a stallion, but they were in shadow. But that night the shadows burst with light. You stood there, as clear as crystal. From that day on, i thought you were my long lost mate. But I was wrong. When you joined Gussies herd, Orchid Plains. I was there watching you the whole time. Dreaming of the day that we would meet and be lovers. And when you were changed into a unicorn, things started to become more and more possible. When you came to live here, i saw you choose this tt. I emidiatly came. Came for the one I had dreampt of so many times. I pronounced my love for you. I made the vow. I heard you whisper the same vow to me. And here you are breaking it. Breaking my heart. My dreams have all be shattered. I do not sleep anymore. My dreams are black. Black with misery. And here I stand. I love you phantom. And I want you to realise that and remember it forever."

*A simgle tear of misery and heart brake streamed down her soft cheek. She felt a stabbing pain etch from inside her. She knew what it was. She was so weak with misery. Her knees gave way, and she collapsed on the ground. Her brocken heart slowed right down until it completely stoped. She was gone forever. Never to wake again.*

A heart is something that should be respected. Something that should not be tampered with. But if tampered with it shall bring death. For a heart is to precious to brake.

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