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Date Posted: 11:43:56 06/13/02 Thu
Author: Enchanted' Spirit
Subject: *appearance*

*A spirit appears before the now Dranicorn Phantom. Shrill scream o' sadness is 'mitted from femme' enamels. Flints o' grey hue paw the air in which she stands. Ghost rears in mid air. Screams once again. This time it was so loud it echoed 'round the whole o' WHI. Ghost stood still a moment and stared. her eyes seemed to have lost the sparkle and glint that they always had. They looked sad and blank.*

"Phantom, dont be afraid. It is I. Enchanted. Pleasse forgive me but it is impossible for me to return to life. Only true love can do so. And I am afraid that the love you feel for me isn't strong enough. I fear you do not love me at all, so it is impossible for me to be alive. I just came here to tell you. For it would be terrible if you were left waiting till the day I returned from the dead. BUt it is not possible. Unless someone with true love for me comes. I shall remain in gods hands forever."

*Femme rears once more. Looking on then dissapears from sight*

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