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Date Posted: 21:30:34 06/14/02 Fri
Author: Phantom
Subject: Back for a last time
In reply to: Moon and Foal 's message, "Two huors later" on 21:18:43 06/14/02 Fri

The dranicorn hears the voice of Moon, and returns for one last time. Landing, his eyes shine with happiness at the young filly. She is beautiful Moon, I'm sure she will grow to be just as lovely as yourself. His face shadows over, this was the one good bye he feared. Moon, please do not hate me, but I must leave this place. I am hated here, too many have hurt me, and I have hurt them. I can stay here no longer, this world isn't meant for me. His wings droop along with his head, he couldn't look her in the eye. I know this means nothing now Moon, but I love you. I always will. Remember as I was, not for how I am, that is my last request. I must leave now, before I cause you more pain. Raise your daughter well Moon, for she has the amazing gift of having you as a mother. Tears stream down his face, it was simply too much for him to handle any more. Reaching his dragon head around to one shoulder, he carefully slide out a dark green scale, tinted with gold. laying at her feet, he spoke again. Take this as a memory of me, for that is all I will become to this place. Take care Moon, and I am sorry for any pain that I have caused you. He then takes off, leaving this land forever.

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