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Subject: Washington Co. Heart of the USA

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Date Posted: 20:40:33 04/15/13 Mon

Washington County Miss Heart of the USA
May 5, 2013 2:00pm
Shriners’ Club, Chipley FL
The Miss Heart of the USA Pageant strives to provide our contestants with the opportunity to have fun, establish lasting friendships, build confidence, and self-esteem; all while encouraging them to get involved with organizations in their community, that benefit those in need. Our pageant began as a food drive for a local Rescue Mission and blossomed into a National Pageant Program that has distributed over 3,000,000 non-perishable food items to non-profit organization such as food banks, rescue missions, senior programs, etc.
The Miss Heart of the USA is coming to Washington County and will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Washington County Council on Aging.
Your $45 Registration fee include: Competition for your Divisional title, Queen of Hearts, Queen of Sharing and Ambassador. ALL contestants in the Baby, Tiny and Little Miss Divisions will receive a "Crown", a beautiful rhinestone heart tiara goes to all MHoftheUSA Princesses!

Register on-line @ www.missheartoftheusa.com/washingtoncounty
Contact Paula Smith, 850-866-1188, for more details!!

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