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Date Posted: 03:02:25 02/20/10 Sat
Author: Dave
Subject: Anna tells the world she is a smoker......

well sort off, she has admitted for the first time in her life that she has tired smoking, but apparently that was while ago ( this was in the Russian Feb 2010 Cosmopolitan)

What is funny is that she did the interview in early Oct 2009 and only a matter of days later when back in miami she was so desperate for her daily nicotine hit, that she thought it would be safe to light up a cigarette out the back of her own home without being caught. Sadly for her the photo's (lots of them) were all over the net with in days.
What is also strange is that for someone who doesn't smoke, Anna keeps her cigarettes in a nice leather cigarette case. Not only is she a sexy commited smoker who loves her cigarettes, but she is willing to purchase a cigarette case to sophisticate her sexy habit.

This is not something a non smoker would be doing.
My take on this, is this allows Anna to be very discrete about her habit, she carrys her cigarettes in her case in her handbag without anyone noticing what exactly she has.
I bet she also buys her cigarettes on line as well.

In summary, Anna has been smoking since 2000, casual to start with(while still playing tennis) Since 2003 Anna has been a regular smoker and as of today is still enjoying the fruits of being a smoker, with no sight of quitting anytime soon.

WTG Anna you sexy smoker

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[> Re: Anna tells the world she is a smoker...... -- Pete, 04:10:35 03/20/10 Sat [1]

I was so excited when it was rumoured that Anna was a social smoker. I thought that is something you wouldn't have expected, can't wait for more reports/information. This was all when she was bashing tennis ball around the circuit. Nothing came of these reports, all rumours with No substance behind them.

Anna then retired, I thought this will be the test to see if in fact if there was any chance that she did smoke, not playing tennis, not having to train anymore, why not smoke, if infact that is what you do?

To my great pleasure, it didn't take Anna long to show the world that she too was a smoker, by lighting up a cigarette while looking for a property in LA. This was October 2003. Six years on, Anna is still smoking, including late last year being photographed lighting up out the back of her own home.

Anna made a decision to be a smoker and hasn't looked back, since taking up the habit, you got to love that about Anna, does what she likes, she knows sexy, cool girls are the ones that smoke and she didn't want to miss out being in that group.

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