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Date Posted: 09:15:41 11/09/99 Tue
Author: Guire
Subject: Re: I think everyone agrees that guire is a bitch
In reply to: A person who has to listen to guire whine 's message, "I think everyone agrees that guire is a bitch" on 11:36:26 11/09/99 Tue

I like how BRE undermines me and voices his opinions on the board like a bitch.
Either way, I'm not out to speak for anyone but von Vital feels the same way. Forchetti knows that and still chosse to only mention me - that's class.
I simply think their should be a vote.
And yes, I do use the asterisk to avoid being the only one who doesn't get screwed - genius forchetti doesn't quite realize that.
Pete, if you don't want to have a vote, then don't - but I think it would be phat if people were actually accountable for the team they post and can't be bailed out by 3 asterisks.

> If you didn't know already, guire has a problem with
> the asterick policy. He doesn't think anyone should be
> able to have an insurance policy. But instead of
> voicing his objection, he insteads bitches to me and
> leaves sarcastic messages on the board pertaining to
> this policy. Personally, I don't see anything wrong
> with how we've been doing substitutions, it makes
> things convenient for everyone. But if for some odd
> reason, peeps want to change this rule and everyone
> agrees, then change it. I just don't like when guire
> bitches at me, when he does the same shit. Everyone
> substitutes players like that and I haven't heard any
> other complaints. Plus, I don't see why we would want
> to change shit, when were already half way through the
> season. Thats all I have to say.

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