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Date Posted: 13:41:13 09/20/99 Mon
Author: Yetti
Subject: Eagles suck my dick

Just for the record, there was nothing I could do about not posting my team. I had planned on doing it Saturday night after guire and vonvital, but then there internet connection got all fucked up. Then guire said something about doing it Sunday morning before I went to the Eagles game, but guire and me got trashed that fucking night. I wake up to the phone ringing and its my dad screaming at me, asking where the fuck I was. So I never had a chance. So, I'm guessing you played my same squad as last week, with the exception of Chandler who was out and mcnair whos hurt, which leaves Flutie. This sucks dick, cause I wanted to play Steve Davis who scored 3 fucking touchdowns, but fuck it, I know the rules. Pete, you bastard. And yes, the Eagles suck cock, what can I say its the truth. Offensive line is shitty, Peterson is shitty, receivers are shitty, the defensive has its moments. If McNabb starts this week, I think they have a better chance at winning. Fuck it, pete do me a favor and post this weeks results.

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