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Date Posted: 09:59:57 12/24/08 Wed
Author: Charles O'Shields

John RIDDLE 1775-1855 and he was married to Mary Higgins.1780-1861 The first record we have of our Riddle ancestry begins with John Riddle who was born in 1775. This birthdate is based on 1850 census in which he was listed as being 75 years old. He was married to Mary Higgins' born approximately 1780' according to census data. We do not know for certain where John came from' but he settled in Laurens County' South Carolina. There is a record of an older John Riddle also married to a Mary in what is now Kewshaw County' S.C. In his will of 9/27/1780' he leaves to his loving wife Mary' one third of all his estate real and personal------until my children come in full age of 21 years-----my four children James' John' Patrick McFadden and William Twaddle' exrs' James made a will in Kershaw [Camden] in 1826. We find George in York District in 1810. We do not know what happened to Patrick and can speculate that possibly the same John is our John Who came to Laurens County. In 1790' the first federal census was taken. At that time' there were no Riddles listed in Laurens County. The 1800 census' however' list John Riddle as head of household with his wife and two small sons living in Laurens County. There were only seven other Riddle households listed in the 1800 census in the entire state of South Carolina.

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