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Subject: Student for an afternoon | |
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Date Posted: 07:41:44 08/20/24 Tue Brenda was a 19 year old Sophomore at a Community College in Fort Worth Texas, She was working her way through college, with some help from her parents, so she could not afford a car. Usually she walked to school and worked in a fast food restaurant near her efficiency apartment. On her way to school was a private school, named Christian Leadership Academy. The past semester, Brenda a couple of boys who went to CLA talking about the school. They also talked about the discipline there, which consisted of hard "licks" with a long board that would "set your ass on fire". This really caught Brenda's attention. She had fantasized about spanking for as long as she could remember. Overhearing this conversation made her want to be a CLA student just so she could experience the discipline. Apparently their only discipline options were suspension or paddling. After school or Saturday detention was not even an option, and sometimes girls were paddled. The 2 boys she overheard talked about the rumor of a girl named Amy, who had a "fantastic ass" getting licks. He did not know how many licks she received but everyone talked about how much tighter her trousers seem to fit the next few days. This was a fantasy Brenda relived over and over in her mind, especially at bedtime. But it was just a fantasy that could never happen. She had tried on-line role play a few times and it did not work for her. She wanted to reveive a real punishment and really feel like her ass on fire. Brenda was not going to meet some guy she did not know and every guy she talked to long enough, started to seem more like a creep the longer they talked. She had read about spanking parties where they did discipline scenes, but those were all in Dallas and she had no transportation or friends to go with. One afternoon Brenda was taking a bag of trash out to the dumpster when she saw a piece of paper on the sidewald. Why not pick it up and throw it away too. After picking up the paper, she froze in her tracks when she saw the heading, DISCIPLINARY REFERRAL FORM and had the Christian Leadership Academy letterhead. The form reads _________________ is being referred to the Assistant Principal for discipline. I believe it necessary to refer this student for disciplinary measures not available to me in my position as _________________. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME/SIGNATURE OF STAFF MEMBER____________________________________________________________ Below, the form stated the student was required to have this form signed and to present it to the Assistant Principal on the following day at 4:00PM. The name of the student on the form was Samuel Dixon and the teacher signing the form was a teacher named Cheryl Stevanus. The reason for referring Samuel for discipline was Insolence and distruping class. It appears the teacher pulled this form up on a computer and filled in the details. This set Brenda's mind into motion. A plan was forming in her mind, but NO, there was no way she could pull this off. She brought the school discipline form back to her apartment with her and pulled up CLA's website on her phone. She remembered the 2 former students last semester talking about the procedures if you had a discipline slip. It had to be given to a parent, who would either sign acknowledgment for the student to accept punishment decided by an Administrator and if they wanted, they could accompany the student for his/her appearence. From other things they heard, the AP was allowed to give a maximum of 12 licks and he never gave an odd number. So no chance of one swat with the paddle. CLA had a school uniform. It was a green shirt with a CLA logo and tan trousers for the boys. The girls could wear the same or a tan skirt instead of the trousers. The website gave a list of shops where uniforms could be purchased. One of those shops was located in a shopping center nearby. Brenda thought on this a few days and each time came up with the conclusion she could never pull it off. The more she thought about a plan, Brenda could not think of a single law she would be violating by showing up with a discipline referral slip signed by a teacher and parent with the intent to take a couple of paddle swats to her bottom. If anyone were to say she was not a student here and she had to leave, then she would leave. Would the AP have to have her studend file, which did not exist, to paddle her? Then she remembered one of the boys saying the AP's Secretary left at 4:00PM and was always in a hurry to leave. So maybe it would work. Brenda still had not committed to trying this but she was so curious about having her ass set on fire. She researched CLA's discipline policy and read that only paddles that measured certain demisions would be used and could not exceed 24 inches in length, 1/2 inch in thickness, and could not have holes. It said no more than 12 swats could be given and it had to be on the child's posterior by trained staff. Brenda had never been paddled before. Never had a spanking except for a few hand swats in fact. But the policy did not sound excessive to her. It did say swats would be applied over only one layer of fabric, thus the student may be required to remove outer clothing below the waist. Brenda had always pictured being spanked or paddled bare bottom, but maybe a little protection would be fine. Brenda purchased a shool uniform consisting of shirt and trousers. She was always a bit of a Tomboy and did not like skirts or dresses. She was petite and did not have a problem finding a uiform on the rack that fit. Brenda managed to copy the schools discipline form, with the letterhead from the website to her laptop. She kept the teacher's name and the charges of Insolence and disrupting class as a violation. Brenda figured that would certainly get her at least 2 licks, but not warrant a full dozen. Even though she wanted to experience her ass on fire, she was very uncertain she wanted the maximum punishment. Four or five would have to do. No wait, it would be four or six if what she heard was correct about even numbers. She forged Teacher Stevanus' name the best she could, along with the name of her imaginary parent. No where on this form did it say "Under penalty of perjury. Thursday afternoon, at 3:50 PM, Brenda entered the front door of the school. She was wearing the school uniform and no one seemed to have any doubt she was a student. The campus had cleared out for the most part and she followed the sign that said ADMINISTRATION OFFICES. She spotted an open door with an ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS sign on top. Inside, a lady appearing to be almost 60 sat at the desk. Brenda ducked into the ladies room as it was not yet 4:00 PM. She come out at 3:58 PM and entered the open door. The lady at the desk was gathering her things and saw the student was carrying forms she assumed were discipline slips. "Let me have those, Honey" "Yep, I see you are here for pops!" One girl and 3 boys were sitting in chairs in the lobby and all looked up when they heard another student was there to get licks, or "Pops" as Miss Reynolds called them. "Well, you only need 4 copies" Mrs Repnolds said as she stapled them all together and handed them back to Brenda. "Put those in the box on the wall. Put them on the bottom so you don't skip the line." "Yeah", thought Brenda, like I would want to do that. Now she had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She must have had a scared look on her face as Mrs Repnolds put the back of her hand under her mouth and whispered, "Don't worry, Honey. It ain't that bad." "Really?" though Brenda, "Have you had your pops today?" It appears she is going to get her licks or pops without them looking for a student file. File cabinets labeled "STUDENTS" were behind Mrs Reynold's desk. Then Brenda hears, "Crack" as everyone turns their attention to the AP's door. "Crack", "Crack" with a muffled "Oww" from inside. It was a girls voice. Brenda quickly puts her forms underneath in the box and sits down next to the girl. Now she is shaking as 5 more "Cracks", spaced 10 - 15 seconds apart along with vocal signs of anguish come from inside. Everybody is looking at one another and 2 of the boys had a smile on their face. The girl beside me introduced herself as Dawn and said, "I guess she got 8. She was caught smoking yesterday." "Oh" was all Brenda could say. She was extremely anxious now and feeling sick. The AP's door opened and the girl who was just paddled came rushing out, not looking any of them in the eye. She had her face down in a wad of tissues and everyone could tell she was full on crying as she left. Brenda was wandering what she got herself into when a lady comes out of the AP's office and calls out the name, "Justin". One of the boys holds up his hand, stands up and enters the office. The lady shuts the door behind him. Brenda knew the AP who gave the licks was a man named Mr. Allen and hoped that was not Mrs Stevanus in the office with him. If it was, she had been caught. Even more reason to just get up and walk out. She asked one of the boys who told her the lady was a Teaching Assistant named Miss Wiggins. "This should be a good one." one of the other boys says. "He's a frequent flyer here." "What did he do?" the other boy asked? "Skipped class!" was the reply. The lecture or explaination must have been a good one since it was a full 5 minutes after the boy entered before everyone heard the first Crack of the board. Eleven more cracks followed before it was over. Brenda was counting and all she did not hear much of a response through the first 5, then just some loud grunts from licks 6, 7 and 8. At 9, there was a shout and the students in the lobby could hear open crying from 10, 11, and 12. At least he tried to be tough. Brenda hoped she did not get that many licks of the paddle. She wanted a few to experience being paddled but doubted how well she could handle the maximum. Brenda definitely was doubting her confidence and fearing the unknown. The thought of getting up from that chair, walking straight out that door and off the campus was strong. "Have you ever gotten it before?", she asked Dawn. Dawn very nervously replied, "No, not the board. I have been spanked at home, but never hit with a board!" Dawn almost had tears in her eyes. Dawn says, "I think I am next. Wish me luck!" she stared with hope in her eyes. "What did you do asked Brenda?" "I was late for American Government class 2 days in a row and I just could not give the teacher a good reason. I have never had the board before and I am scared." Miss Wiggins escorts Justin out, There is mosture in his eyes and he heads for the exit as Miss Wiggins picks up Dawn's stack of slips and calls, "Dawn." While her back is turned, Justin gave the the other 3 waiting their turn a quick thunbs up and furiously rubs his toasted buns as he walks out the door. Brenda looked at the two boys and one of them she later found out was Dennis. He told everyone he gotten the board once in school but many times at home. "I only got 4 licks here but have gotten a solid dozen at home!. And at home...", then his voice trailed off. "At home, what?" asked Dawn. Dennis would not answer and turned his eyes away from the girls. "What's it like? Here at school, I mean." asked Brenda. It depends upon how many licks you get." answers Dennis. The first one is not that bad. Just a bit of a sting and it does not register all at once. Then to me, the second is bearable. But every one after that! It's like each one doubles the sting of the last. I only got 4 licks last year and I took them without flinching and dry eyed. Brenda did not know if Dennis was telling the truth or just sounding brave, but the other boy chimed in and said, "Yeah, 4 is nothing." After about 30 seconds inside the office, Dawn could be heard crying and no cracks of the paddle yet. Then there was silence, then "Crack", and the crying started again. About another minute, then "Crack" and more tears. Then silence again and Miss Wiggins voice could be heard. It sounded like she was consoling Dawn. A few minutes later, Miss Wiggins opened the office door. Her arm was around Dawn's shoulders and the girl hugged her around the waist. Brenda heard Miss Wiggins say, "Now, now, Dear. It's all over!" Brenda could swear Dawn flashed her a smile as she was walking out the door, and come to think of it, those swats did not sound as loud as the others she heard behind that door. That little minx cried her way out of a hard paddling and only got 2 licks! Miss Wiggins called out, "Tom" and that left just Dennis and Brenda waiting for their punishment. After talking a bit, we realized neither of us knew what Tom did to get sent up for a paddling. With just the two of them there, Brenda asks, so your parents have a paddle at home? Is it like the one Mr Allen uses?" Dennis says, Yes, exactly like Mr. Allen's. My older brother, David made it in the wood shop here as a project. "Crack", "Crack","Crack", "Crack", There was only about a 10 pause pause between each swat, then silence. No reaction could be heard from Tom. Brenda says, Well Toms says, "4 is nothing." They both chuckle slightly. Neither wanted My Higgins to hear them and think they were having a good time out there waiting to be paddled. "Why would your brother make a paddle for your parents? You would think it might end up being used on him too!" "He has got it several times too. It's just my Mom. She divorced my Dad when we were little and the last we know, he was working up in Alaska." That's too bad", replied Brenda. "David was trying real hard to think what to make for a project. He had been wanting to make something for a Christmas present for Mom and she says if he wants to make something for her, she will take a long spanking paddle. We had both gotten too big to put over her knee and she needed something she could swing and get our attention." "Wow and he made her one?" "Two actually" answers Dennis. "He made one and brought it home before Christmas, She came home and caught me and him out in the garage, uh, well, trying it out on each other. Mom got mad and told him that was hers and she wanted him to make another because she knew we would keep swatting each other and our friends and we might break it. Of course Mom had to try it out right there in the garage. Only 2 licks each from Mom but we were already sore from the licks we gave each other over jeans. So we pooled our money and David got another 2 foot red oak board at Lowes." "Wow, you spank eack other?" "No, not spank. We just bend over and take a few swats. That day, we were both just curious. Usually, we use it for losing a bet on something." "So I guess this visit to see Mr Higgins don't really bother you?", asks Brenda. "Yeah, it does. What every I get in there today, Mom will add onto double tonight. And he whispered, Mom makes us drop our underwear too." "Bare?" "I want to see that" thought Brenda, but she did not dare say it. She wanted to ask if he was sure the paddles they had at home were the same as the one used by Mr. Higgins, but the door opened before she could ask. Tom come walking out and Mrs Wiggins called, "Dennis". Tom did not look any worse for wear and after he cleared the doorway into the lobby and was still in sight, he smiles at Brenda, puts one hand behind his back and takes a bow. Miss Wiggins has already closed the door and returned the smile and gave a little wave. Tom's bravado and the talk with David eased her mind quite a bit. Dennis' discipline commenced and Brenda counted 6 pops sounding every bit as hard as any that had came from behind the door that day. I guess Mr. Alan's arm is not tiring after (Brenda counted to herself, 32 pops) of the paddle. After a while, the door opens and Dennis comes walking out. His eyes looked moist, but it did not look like he had been openly crying. Miss Wiggins called her name and Brenda's train of thought could only concentrate on her fate and did not pay any attention to how Dennis was acting. She was nervous. No longer as worried about being discovered an an imposter but at the paddle laying in front of Mr Allen on his desk. The sight of it sent shivers up her spine. As advertized on the school website, it appeared 24 inches long and a half an inch thick. She would guess it was 3 1/2 to 4 inches wide. You could tell it once had a well polished surface, but the coating over it was worn thin, especially at the business end. Mr Allen did not appear as old as she had imagined, probably 45 years old, six feet tall, and although he did not have an athletic build, he appeared to be in good physical condition. "Sir? This is Brenda Wilson. She is the last discipline appointment for the day.He looks up from the discipline slips Miss Wiggins had handed him. Brenda had used a false last name, but her appearance as a CLA student was a falsehood as well. "Miss Wilson. You are a new student here?" "Yes Sir, just started this semester." "And where did you go to school before this" "The Fort Worth Public School system, Sir." Another lie. She went to public school in Oklahoma. "Well, I am Mr. Allen, the Assistant Principal and this is Miss Wiggins, a Teaching Assistant. I am in charge of discipline here at the Christian Leadership Academy and Miss Wiggins is here as a staff witness. Now let's take a look at the paperwork sent here with you. I can assure you there are better ways to get aquainted with the staff than being referred to this office for discipline. Do you understand that?" "Yes Sir was the reply. Brenda thought about faking some crocodile tears like she suspected Dawn had and get off easy, but she did not want to do that. She wanted to take her punishment. After all, she went through a lot of trouble for this experience and risked great embarrassment had it been discovered she was actually not even a student at this school. But she did not want to have a smart mouth and risk an extra severe punishment either. "OK. It says here you were insolent to one of my teachers and disrupted her class. Mrs Stevanus, I see. It seems like she sent me a boy just last week for the same 2 violations. She is a new teacher and I must support my staff in order to make this school a safe place for everyone. We have to promote high academic standards, and maintain an orderly environment. Do you understand that, young lady?" A simple "Yes Sir" was the reply. "Do you have anything to say for yourself before I announce your punishment?" "Just that,,,,," Brenda paused, "No Sir. I will be more mindfull in the future." Allright young lady. I assume you payed attention at orientation and you know we employ different disciplinary measures here than the Fort Worth ISD?" "Yes Sir" Mr Allen picks up the 2 foot long paddle from the top of the desk and announced, I am going to administer 4 paddle licks to your posterior." Brenda gasped a little, but 4 licks was actually what she was expecting. "It will not harm you but I certainly hope it gets your attention and makes you think extra hard before violating the rules of the Academy. Do you understand" Again, "Yes Sir" was the reply. Mr Allen walks around to the front of the desk and gives these instructions, "You are going to stand up next to desk. Stand straight and drop your trousers, young lady." Now it was very real to Brenda that this was going to happen and it will undoubtly hurt. While My Allen stood to Brenda's left side, holding the punishment instrument in his hand, Miss Higgins, who was standing behind them moves over to the right side to have a better view of the target area. Brenda was embarrassed but very happy she decided to wear more modest panties than her bikini briefs. Still, she had a very round, full bottom and the white panties were tight and some undercheek was going to show, even while standing straight. "Alright. Stand straight up against the desk. Keep your legs straight, and lay across the desk and grasp the other side with both hands. No, don't bend your knees. Stand straight. You are getting 4 swats on your posterior. Do not move out of that position and do not turn around. See that flag on the wall behind my desk? Look straight at that and do not move out of position until I tell you we are done." "Yes Sir" "Are you ready" "Yes Sir" Mr Allen takes a wide stance and lines up his paddle with Brenda's plump bottom. He taps the lower half of her bottom with the paddle, making sure she is positioned so there is no posibility he could strike her tailbone. 2 taps and he pulls the paddle back behind his head and brings it down to connect with the tightly stretched white panties. "Crack!" Brenda heard and felt the explosion on her barely protected backside. She grunted, but mostly from the weight of the board and not a sharp pain. Then like she had been told earlier, the sting took a while to register. "One" Miss Wiggins counted. "Wow" thought Brenda. "That does sting!" Mr Allen was an experienced disciplinarian. He did not try to impress neither student or witness with how hard he could swing, or how much he could make it hurt. Mostly, he let the weight of the board carry itself to the target and spread the sting equally across a student's posterior. Miss Wiggins admired the expert at work. She graduated from CLA 6 years prior and had grabbed the other side of Mr Allen's desk 3 times while a student at the Academy. Mrs Wiggins counted "Two" as the next level swat connected to the thinly covered bottom. "Damn" Brenda thought but dared not say. "That stung worse that the last. No, that is not sting. It burns! My ass is on fire." "Three", Mrs Wiggins called out. Even though Brenda felt like her ass was on fire more than ever, she was a happy girl. One left to go and she knew she could take it. Brenda could not help but wiggle that ass on fire and shuffled her feet a little. "You must stay in position Brenda or the swat does not count." Brenda stood up on her toes, pushing her ass up even higher for the paddle and kept her feet still. The last lick connected and Miss Wiggins counted out "Four" Allright, you may pull up your trousers and stand young lady. Brenda pulled up her trousers and stood. She had tears in her eyes and did a little spanking dance while she furiously rubbed her bottom. You can do the rubbing on your way home, young lady. Not in here." Mr Allen tried to sound gruff. Brenda reached out and briefly hugged My Allen, then realized that was probably inappropriate. "Get out of here, girl and go home." Mr Allen tried to sound like the strict AP but cracked a smile across his face. "Go!" Brenda left the office and exited the building. There she walked down a busy sidewalk, rubbing her ass every few steps, with a smile on her face. But this was Texas and no one really seemed to notice. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |