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Subject: Re: The World is Changing | |
Author: Marek |
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Date Posted: 08:07:21 04/20/17 Thu In reply to: Marek 's message, "The World is Changing" on 08:45:44 04/14/17 Fri Third-Degree Spanking "Well, Sandy, you sure bungled that up." I sighed and shrugged. "I know, Kate. I just don't know what went wrong." "OK, let's review... We went shopping, right?" "We did." "And there was this guy." "Yes, Kate, and you thought he was cute." "Oh sure, blame it on me. Hey, I read that girls are attracted to 'bad boys', maybe it was that?" "Right, a bad boy. He was a thief!" "But, since I was always looking at him, I noticed that he took some panties and stuffed them in his pocket." "Right, thief AND a creep!" "Really, I don't understand why a good-looking guy like that would steal panties. I bet girls would give them to him if he asked!" "Please, can we do this review without weird remarks?" "Right. So he stuffs them into his pocket and goes to the exit." "And you told me that he stole them." "Right, I did." "And I shouted at him to give those panties back." "Which was your first mistake. We are fourteen! We shouldn't mix up in those things." "Right, but he started running, and I..." "Yup, say it!" "I..." "You...?" "Fine. I had the bright idea of stopping him by tipping a shelf on him." "Yes! Why did you do that?" "Well, it just felt right, you know. Stopping a thief, getting some justice for those panties..." "Except you DIDN'T stop him. He avoided the shelf and ran away -- but you sure made a mess in the store." "I offered to help them clean it up!" "And they refused -- for a very good reason! They didn't want you to cause more problems than you already did!" "I still think I did the right thing." "Yeah, but it sure doesn't look like that. The thief escaped because the security guys were slowed down by your tipped shelf. And you actually damaged the shelf so they have to get another one. And that will cost them much more money than they lost from the theft itself! So, as I said in my previous analysis, you sure bungled that up!" I shrugged again. "Yes, I did. But it was a valuable lesson to me, I promise!" "So, I think you should ask." "A-Ask?" "Yes, this is exactly the sort of thing where you can use your mom's help." "I don't really want to," I admitted. "But that's the whole point. You have an agreement." "It's not really a formal agreement, not like you have with your parents." "But she spanked you, right?" "Yeah... I told you about it." "In graphic details," admitted Kate. "But I think you could use more spankings. Really, much more." "But I didn't do anything that bad! It was a honest mistake and my intent was good!" "So? Sandy, we are not judged by our intent, we are judged by the results! And your results were really bad and if it happened to me, I would have no choice but to call my Dad and tell him that he should take his belt off and really beat my butt." "OK, OK, fine, I'll ask her." "Nah. I don't really believe you." "Come on, you're supposed to be my friend!" "Yes, and so I'll do what a friend is supposed to: I'll go home with you and I'll make SURE you tell your mom and ask for a spanking." "Are you really sure THAT is what a friend is supposed to do?" "It's called 'tough love', Sandy, Google it." Really, there was not much I could do to beat her arguments. Kate was a popular girl, but she was also a girl with nearly no inhibitions -- thinking about it, that might be the reason she was popular -- and she was REALLY enthusiastic about spankings. She pressed her parents into spanking her whenever she "fell short" of her goals and ideals, and if you wanted to be her friend, it helped if your parents spanked you as well. I tried that with my mom, and the result was a very warm and red bottom. I felt that spanking for a day or two. Me and Mom agreed that we'll keep spankings as an option, but I don't think she would actually spank me on her own -- she says I'm old enough to have a say, which, of course, means that I'll have to ask her. I have to do it. Otherwise, Kate will think I'm a wuss, and I am not. Right. It's going to hurt -- ow! -- but it will be good for me. I have to believe that. * * * And so we went home and Mom was watching TV. So we said hello, Kate introduced herself, and then she said "Sandy needs to tell you something." "Oh?" And so I told her the whole story, with Kate prodding me and adding details I was unwilling to add myself. Was Mom angry with me? Of course not. I think she might be angry if the store wanted me to pay for the shelf, but they didn't -- I got scolded by the manager but I think he found the whole thing pretty funny as well. "So?" she asked in the end. "I mean, thank you for telling me, it was much better than whatever is on TV, but what do you want me to do about it?" "I... well, 'want' isn't the word I'd use, but I think... Kate thinks... we think..." "Yes?" "wouldyoupleasespankme" I said under my breath. "Oh?" said Mom. "Well, who thinks I should spank you? You, or Kate?" "It was Kate's idea," I said. "But... I probably deserve it." "Oh, come on. This is a serious thing, spanking you," said Mom. "You must be absolutely sure about that." "I... I..." "Tell you what, go to your room. When you're sure whether you want this or not, come back and tell me." Somehow, being sent away like that hurt more than a spanking. Figuratively. I mean, of course I don't mean that literally! I turned around and left the room. "No, no, no!" I heard Mom. "Not you, Kate! I'd like you to stay here. You are the one who started this whole teenage spankings fad, aren't you? I have lots of questions for you!" * * * I was only spanked once, so my experience is pretty limited, but I believe the cruelest thing when spanking is to not spank. Let me explain. Once I know I'm going to get a spanking, I'd prefer to get it over with as soon as possible. Not much talking, just bending and smacking. Each moment when I know I'm going to be spanked, but it hasn't started YET, is a torture for me. And I felt that torture as I was sitting in my room. What did that mean? It meant that I knew I WAS getting a spanking. I considered my options. Could I simply get out of it? Yes, I could. Easily. Mom won't spank me unless I tell her to do it. But... I was going to tell her to do it. I knew that and I couldn't convince myself otherwise. But I couldn't tell her to do it! I just couldn't! Slowly, the solution came to me. * * * When I came back to the living room, Mom and Kate looked at me. They both seemed very interested. "Well?" said Kate. "What's the verdict?" "Actually, it's getting printed right now," I said. "I decided to write it down so I wouldn't forget anything." I went to the next room to the shared printer. "It's here!" I called. "It's... here." And I gave her the piece of paper. No way back now. Dear Mom, I thought about it and Kate is right. I bungled up and I caused monetary damage. Even though I don't have to pay it, I still caused it and I deserve a spanking for that. It's just... it's hard for me to ask for it because I know it's going to hurt a lot and I don't want that -- LOL! So I made you a card. Mom raised her eyes from the letter. "A card?" "Yeah, this one." I gave her a small cardboard rectangle. On it, I had written: I was bad, Mom. Would you please spank me? And I had decorated it with pink hearts and blue teardrops. "It's nice!" said Mom. "Really nice!" said Kate. "You know, this is a good idea! I'm bad at arts and crafts -- do you think you could make one for me too?" "Yeah, sure," I said. "But, you know... later." Mom looked back to my letter. It's hard for me to make that final step, so, when I give you this card, please treat it as a point of no return. You HAVE to spank me if I do that, OK? Even if I beg you not to or get scared or try to get out of it. Kate told me that spankings must be absolute to really work and I agree. Mom, after the last time, I know how much it hurts to be spanked. And I'm not a very brave girl. I know I will beg and plead and try to get out of it, but please -- please! -- you HAVE to do it, no matter what. It's for my own good. Thank you, Sandy "Well, it's a great letter," said Mom, "and, yes, I think it clarifies many things. So?" I took a deep breath and gave her the card. One extra step, that was all I needed. A proxy so I wouldn't have to say those words and doom myself by my own mouth. Mom nodded. "Alright, then!" she said cheerfully. "So let's go and spank that naughty bottom of yours!" I nodded. Immediately, I regretted I asked her, but then again, I knew I would regret it. But I should get this spanking. I needed this spanking. If I will repeat it enough, maybe I'll even believe it. "Now, me and Kate have been talking, and she was asking about my childhood, like you have been, Sandy. Really, are the details of people's spankings THAT interesting?" "I couldn't help it," objected Kate. "My parents were never spanked. I always asked around." "Anyway, she asked me what punishment would I get in this situation, and you know, I believe Mom would give me the third degree for this." "T-Third degree?" I stammered. "The wooden spoon?" "Well, yes, in MY case it was the big wooden spoon, but I don't have it. When my mother died, I gave away most of her things, though not that spoon." She paused. "I BURNED that spoon. And I smiled as it turned to ash." I just stared. "Well, I wouldn't wish that spoon on my worst enemy, never mind my own daughter, so don't worry! But, Kate here tells me that she gets her father's belt sometimes and I just think it would be a good practice for you to have your own implement." "Oh, but I really don't want the belt! Please, not the belt!" Of course, I didn't have any first-hand experience, so to speak, but I've seen the blotches on Kate's bottom in the changing room. Belt was brutal. "Well, Kate suggested a small paddle... or perhaps a hairbrush." "Uuu..." I gulped. "Is that really necessary, Mom?" "Well, well, well, Sandy, and who was telling me that I need to spank you no matter how you beg? Don't you worry, I promise I won't let you off lightly." "Alright," I sighed. "I... I'll get my hairbrush." "Hm, I don't think so," said Mom. "I mean, I know your hairbrush. It's just not the right shape, and it's plastic; Kate ensures me that wood is the way to go." "Right. I'm SURE she does." I gave her a nasty look. "Sandy, I know it seems mean to you," said Kate, "but honestly, I have your best interests at heart. Getting an implement for spankings is a big step -- especially the first implement -- and I already promised your Mom I'll go and help you pick a good one." "And not only that," said Mom, "Kate also volunteered to test it." "Yes. I promised your mom that I'll take the same spanking as you, and I'll take it first so she could work out any kinks and learn how to use the implement effectively." "You... you did?" "Relax, it's not the first time this happened. I mean, I couldn't recommend something I wasn't willing to get on my own bottom, right? That would be hypocrisy." "But, you mean... wait, we're gonna go and search for something to spank me with? Like, right now? But... but that will take a long time! I..." I was looking at several HOURS, at minimum, hours of waiting for a spanking that will be definitely worse that the last one when it comes. "I know," said Mom. "But you need a proper punishment, right?" "Right." "Spending few hours thinking what's going to happen to your bottom is a part of the deal. If you don't want to wait long, then hurry up." "Right, Mom... Sorry..." I shuffled my legs out of the house. * * * "I can't decide whether I love you for making me to go through this, or hate you for making me to go through this," I grumbled. Kate smiled. "It doesn't really matter because we're teens and our feelings are fickle, aren't they? You're going to buy something and then you're going to be spanked and you'll probably hate me for a while but then we'll be friends again. It always works like that." I had to giggle at that. "You make it sound so fun, even though it's not." "Spankings CAN be fun," said Kate. "Like when?" "When it's not YOU getting your butt tanned," she laughed. "But you said you will let my mom test it on you?" "Yup, and that's the thing. Don't think of the spanking you have coming -- think about the one *I* have coming! Just imagine that I'll be over your mom's lap! I'm going to kick and cry, the whole nine yards, and you will be able to watch! That's going to be funny!" She smirked. "And I, of course, will focus on the spanking YOU have coming." "What? Are you going to watch?" "If you want to watch mine, I get to watch yours. Unless you don't want to watch...?" I hated to admit it, but I DID want to watch. I have felt a spanking and I have seen the results, both on me and on other girls in the locker room. But I have never SEEN a spanking. Well, not entirely true. I MIGHT take a sneak peek at some videos on the internet. But... not a word about that, ok? I have never seen a spanking LIVE. There. "And so," continued Kate, "when you choose an implement, think about what it's going to do to ME and pick something that will be fun to watch." Can she really compartmentalize THAT well? I thought we were going to the mall, but no. Kate led me into a small crafts shop in a back alley. "Trust me, they are great when it comes to woodwork. I recommend them to all of m friends!" It had to be true since the old man at the counter nodded at her. "Hello, Kate! How is my favorite customer?" "Hi, Mr. Thorn. I brought another friend today!" "I can see that. Another one for the wooden discipline plan, eh?" I was so mortified I couldn't say a word. "Don't worry, young lady, I can keep a secret," he assured me. "Any special requests?" "Maybe if you showed Sandy what you have...?" suggested Kate. "Well, gladly! So, first of all, do you have any siblings, Sandy?" "Siblings? No... Why?" "Well, some girls want to keep their discipline private, and in that case it helps to get an implement that can be camouflaged as something else. Hairbrushes are popular in this regard. I have a few nice here..." The hairbrushes on the shelf were larger and heavier than those I've seen in normal stores. And their backs were flat, not rounded. I couldn't help but imagining Mom wielding this fearsome weapon and smacking it against my bottom... No. Not mine. Kate's. I couldn't quite banish the knowledge what's going to happen to MY bottom, but imagining Kate spanked was a bit better. "Then we have a range of wooden spoons of various sizes..." They spoons were mostly plain, but some of them had holes drilled in them, one had a bigger heart-shaped hole and another had a few slits. "I don't really trust those spoons," I said. "After what Mom said..." "All right, well, how about a nice paddle?" He stepped to an antique wardrobe in the corner. "I keep those under lock, wouldn't be good for normal customers to see them and ask questions," he said. "But... here they are!" When he opened the wardrobe, I squealed and clutched my bottom. The mere sight of these things was enough to make it hurt. Even the smallest paddles looked wicked. I reached and took one of them; it was like a ping-pong paddle, but all wood, all uncompromising, hard wood. I swung it and imagined it landing on my bottom, and I got all clammy. "You can give yourself a swat on your thigh," suggested the old man. I tried it. Even though it was just a light tap, it really stung. "That's a good one," said Kate. "You should get it." "This? But..." "Really, it looks like they are worse than the spoons or hairbrushes, but they actually hurt less." "I have a problem believing that." "You see, this paddle is much better deterrent, so you'll be getting less spankings if your mom will use it. If you take a spoon, it will see much more use so in the long-term horizon, the paddle will cause you less pain." "And in the short-term horizon?" "It will make you cry like a baby. Every. Single. Time." "You have one of those?" "Yeah, I do." "I thought your Dad uses the belt." "The belt is, like, a nuclear option. In your mom's terms, it would be the fourth degree -- maybe even fifth. This paddle will be good enough for the third." "How much it is?" I asked quickly before I could change my minds. He told me the price. "That much?" "It's made by hand," he said. "Plus, the customization is free." "What kind of customization?" He held up a small tool. "I can burn something into the wood, on the back side -- that's the one that's not used on YOUR backside." He laughed at his own joke since neither of us did. "I can put your name there, or some motivational message. Or the paddle's name -- some young ladies like to give them names." "What kind of names?" "I call mine 'Red Menace'," said Kate. "Because it's menacing and because it makes my butt red when Mom or Dad use it." "Hmm," I said. "You know, maybe..." I told him my idea for a name. "How do you spell it?" he asked. So I told him. * * * "How did you even met that guy?" I asked. "I didn't. He's my uncle." "What?" "Yeah, he's a bit creepy, but not a bad guy. He's a genius with wood so I asked him to make me a paddle when I started this whole thing, and he kind of latched on. I assure you that the one you bought is worth the money." "Wait a minute, are you getting a commission from that?" I asked. "That's not what's important right now, we have to quickly get back to your mom so she could put it to use." "But... hey! Stop running! You... you... you maniac!" And so we ran as fast as we could. Toward my house, toward a paddling that awaited us. * * * "You know," said Mom, "I kinda miss the old days when teenage girls were trying to AVOID spankings." "Me too," I grumbled. "Especially right now." She experimentally waved the paddle through the air. Even though it was small, it was still pretty scary. "I like the name," she said. "The Consequence. Though it sounds a bit heavy for such a light paddle." "Oh, I'm sure it won't really matter that it's light," I giggled nervously. "Well, we'll see. Kate, dear? Are you ready for the testing?" Kate came out of the bathroom. "Yup, all ready!" She walked next to Mom and shivered a bit. "All right, so how do you want to do this...?" "Well, I got Sandy into this, so I guess it will have to be a thorough test. Bare bottom, hard paddling, just the same thing you plan to give her." She raised her skirt. The she pulled down her panties, but I noticed that even she hesitated a bit before doing that. Good for her. There was still something of a normal teenager in her. Mom pulled her over her lap and Kate whimpered. Mom experimentally slapped her butt with her hand, and then she took up the paddle. "Oh!" yelped Kate. "Actually... you should leg-lock me, because otherwise I'm going to kick." Mom raised her leg and pinned Kate's legs down. "Better?" "Well... not really. Now all my weight is on your thigh. It's OK for smaller kids, but it's a bit uncomfortable for me. Could we use the sofa? Then I can lie on it with my top half, that's much better." "OK, you're the boss," said Mom. "Up you go. Let's try the living room." Kate got up. She hesitated a bit, and then she pulled her panties all the way off. "It's better this way," she said to me. "Trust me." And so we went into the living room. Me and Kate moved a small table in front of the sofa -- it had a glass cover and accidents could happen -- while Mom took a place in the middle. Kate came to her. "So, right, you raise Sandy's skirt, you take her panties down... I've already done that... she goes over your lap... and then the leg-lock..." She hesitated. "Um... I like to hold on to something, like a pillow. Otherwise, my hands tend to wander, and Mom or Dad usually have to hold them." "How about if I hold them for you?" I offered. "Thanks..." "It's OK. But you'll do the same for me, deal?" "Deal," she nodded. "Well, all right," said Mom once our hands were secured. "You really protract this. I have my share of experience, you know. So, after all that, what I have is a girl's bare bottom over my lap and a paddle in my hand. Yeah, I believe I know what to do at this point." She raised The Consequence and crashed it into Kate's bottom. She cried out. "Hm, it has a nice sound. Let's see how good it is at reddening bottoms." The paddle fell again and again and I saw Kate cry. She tried to move, but her legs were locked and I held her hands. Her cries become more and more desperate until she completely broke down and simply bawled like a baby. After roughly an eternity and a half, Mom stopped swinging that paddle and put her hand on Kate's bottom. "It's really incredible," she mused. "Red and warm, like the stove my mom used. And I think I managed to make it really uniform. Wow, I must be a natural in this. Any comments, Kate?" No comments, just bawling. "Right. I... I'll give you a moment then..." She carefully... very carefully... disentangled Kate's legs and lied them on the sofa. Then she left. In the door, she turned around and said: "I'll come back to give you your paddling, Sandy, in fifteen minutes? Or twenty?" Great. Just what I need. Once she was gone, I let go of Kate's hands and moved to her mid-section. That bottom was BRIGHT! I actually really liked the color, to the point where I couldn't resist. *CLICK!* The bawling slowed down, and finally stopped. "H-Hey," said Kate through sobs, "did you just take a selfie with my butt?" "It just looks so great," I said. "You can take a selfie with mine if you want." "Oh, you bet... ouch... that I will." Since she took up the whole sofa, I squatted next to her, admiring her bottom. It was the mark of her courage... and also mine. Can I be brave enough? And then, of course, Mom came back. "Right," she said, "so I believe the test was successful. So now, nothing prevents us from lighting up Sandy's bottom, right Sandy?" "No... not really," I admitted. "Can you get up, Kate?" asked Mom. She sniffed and stood up. Her skirt fell back over her red bottom. Mom took her place. "Alright, it's paddle time," she said cheerfully. "Come on, Sandy, you saw how it's done. Skirt up, panties down, over my lap you go." I trembled as I reached back to ready myself for the execution. I pulled my panties down and stepped out of them. Then I held my skirt high and stepped between Mom's legs. "Right, now bend over." I did, and as soon as I my upper body rested on the sofa, I felt Mom's leg squeeze my legs. Kate reached from the front, took my hands and squeezed them hard. I tried to wiggle but I was completely immobilized. I wanted to say something, but then I suddenly felt a burning pain in my bottom. She already started paddling me? I am not ready! But within the first few smacks, I realized that it doesn't matter. I could NEVER be ready, not for this. Kate has been paddled before, but I haven't. So while Kate took some time to start bawling, I got there right away. I cried, sputtered and boohooed my eyes out, but nothing was of any avail to that horrible paddle dancing on my bottom. I couldn't see anything for my tears, I couldn't hear anything over the sound of my crying, I just felt the paddle landing on my bottom over and over and over and over again. * * * I realized I was lying on the sofa, with my skirt still raised. I moved my hands to my bottom and wow, was it warm! I've heard one girl at school talking about her spanking, she said that it hurt her pride more than her bottom, but MY bottom was definitely hurt much more than my pride! I got up and went to the kitchen, still clutching my bottom. "Well, look who woke up!" said Mom. She was preparing dinner and Kate was helping her. "What happened?" I asked. "Well, once I stopped paddling you, you suddenly just fall asleep!" chuckled Mom. "The same thing happened last time! Kate says that you're a 'spankoleptic'. When you need a spanking in the future, it will be probably better to do it on your bed." I yawned. "I'm sorry, I probably made a big fuss." "Sandy," said Mom, "I would be more worried if you didn't. It was really a severe paddling. But, it's over now, and here... is your card back." She passed me the spanking card I had made. I was bad, Mom. Would you please spank me? "Turn it over," said Kate. I did. The reverse side now had something written there, too. Now you're a good girl again. I hugged Mom and started to sob again. Kate looked at us for a bit and then she shouted "Group hug!" and joined us. * * * And well, this is a story of how I got a third-degree spanking. You might think it's a bit of a long story for just one spanking, but trust me -- it felt a lot longer for me! Kate and me are now helping Mom with the dinner. We said that we'll be eating standing up and Mom decided to do that as well, in our honor. And Kate even called home and got a permission for sleepover. Which is good, since I might have problems falling asleep after I napped in the afternoon. So there is just one thing to do. I went to my room and opened an empty drawer in my desk. I put the paddle there, and added the card. Next time I give my mom that card, I'll probably worry that she'll send me to bring the paddle as well, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. "I don't like you," I said to the paddle, "but I guess I need you." Then I closed the drawer, put my panties onto the bed -- definitely not going to put them back on today -- and left for dinner. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |