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Subject: Re: The Tulip Stamp | |
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Date Posted: 10:34:31 07/01/20 Wed In reply to: Marek 's message, "The Tulip Stamp" on 00:36:53 10/15/16 Sat Is the usage of hard and cruel tools for spanking a typical US tradition and in that case why? I don`t see any long time benefits from it at all because the recipient will probably block out the reason and only resent the emotional and physical effect! Therefore I really dislike hard and heavy implements which cause bruises for days and the girls/women to be afraid and having a constant fear. I think the quotes here are referring to birches like some birch rods tied together but I promote, yes, I strongly recommend instead a bundle of about ten, very thin branches from a birch tree, for example! A proper length can be about one foot two. And, yes, you can use twigs from other trees too but be aware of the allergical possibilities! I find regular birching to be very effective at improving my behavior and sweetening my attitude, and I've been birched many times. What is it about birching that`s so much more effective than a regular spanking? How do the experiences differ? Being birched is unlike any other form of corporal punishment. The best description I ever read was from a woman who said that it was like being stung by a swarm of insects all at once! A birching with this short bundle is quite mild to start with. The first time I received the birch I was quite scared but the initial strokes were so pleasant that I remember thinking, "Hey, this isn't too bad. I think I'll be all right!" Then after a while the pain really kicks in. It's supposedly caused by the individual twigs repeatedly striking those areas that have already been hit. You should be under no illusion. A proper birching will be one of the most painful experiences of your life! Actually, a really good birching should only be given as a last resort. If a girl is birched hard for relatively minor offences, then she becomes inured to the punishment and it ceases to have any beneficial effect. That said, a mild birching remains useful in these cases. (For adult women: That said, it can also raise you to new heights of ecstasy!) You could say that a good birching is the best corporal punishment for young ladies. I get one or two good long birchings every month. Kisses, Sigrid [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Re: The Tulip Stamp | Marek | 23:42:43 07/06/20 Mon |