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Date Posted: 12:34:13 05/24/09 Sun
Author: Raj
Subject: Saturday RvR

I had a great time last night doing RvR. There was a few times when it did not go that good but most of the time I really had fun.

It all started with me and Nararea defending and attacking in KV, we had alot of fun and we had a lot of fights that was not zergs. We had some figths when it was 2v2, 2v3 and even yes a 2v4 and we actually won due to some good teamplay and fantastic healing. :-D

But I still think our best times we had was on the walls at the south keep when we tried to stop destro coming in to the keep. I doted them up before they entered outer postern, and many was dead before they got from the inner postern at the keep. A few shammies got in but that was it.

What helped alot was that I doted them up and then I used my new spell from the Immolation tree called "Withering heat" it reduces walking speed by 40% for 6 seconds and does alot of damage so I had 1 more time to reapply new dots before they enter keep, and during all this Nararea was killing them with AM spells and doing silence. It was great fun.

The was one time we did lose, but 2v8 was just abit to much even if Nararea was healing like crasy. We managed to fling one over the wall, so he had a long way back but still that did not help much, we managed to get 2 more down to very low hp and would have killed them if a healer from their side had not healed them up, and that killed us.
If they had not had that healer I think we could have if not won atleast killed 2 or 3 of them since the casters was stil below on the ground and not on wall so we could use line of sight.

Later in the evening alliance people joined us, and a few others pugs that messaged me and asked if they could join our wb, and I invited them too.

This put a strain on Nararea since at first he was the only healer, and healing 3 WH and a slayer and me as BW must have been hellish. I did however try not to go all in with spells, since Nararea was busy healing WH full time when they rushed screaming head long into the destro wielding their guns and swords screaming for heretic blood.

Before i logged I think we had a nice wb that actually followed most orders, and it worked out really nice and we toke som bo's and stoped destro from entering the south keep in Reikland.

I had fun, but I might have had a small warband 2 groups.

During the entire evening I got a few messages of people asking where they should go and do with their wb/groups, that feelt a bit wierd, why ask me?
I told them what we where about to do and what would help us and order at the time.

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