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Date Posted: 14:08:47 06/16/09 Tue
Author: Nararea
Subject: Re: I'm starting to have doubts about this game
In reply to: Trella 's message, "Re: I'm starting to have doubts about this game" on 12:33:44 06/16/09 Tue

I'm not throwing in the towel, plying with sword or service is a highly enjoyable experience.

Here it comes, I just think that our alliance ties us up with alot of bullshit experience. I'd rather duo with Trella then play with a bunch of semi afk players.

Even with their superior gear they die like flies in kamikaze action raids or just hang around for zone locks.

There is also a myth about zone locks providing superior rewards and it's simply not true.

Playing one full scenario gives me between 1 000 - 5 000 rp and a few medallion drops. If I compare that to idly hang around an empty zone guarding a BO I know what I'll prefer.

I know that talking about renown is a little bit like comparing e-peens but 4 hours of game this Sunday gave me like 20 % of renown level. Thats what I'll make from joining ONE decent "Battle for Praag" scenario. This is for me an indicator of how much action we really had this Sunday.

I do think that four sword of service members acomplish more then our current alliance warbands due to the professionalism and battle awerness we display. With the others id spend as much time trying to figure out were they are randomly running to if not suiciding of a cliff ;-)

Hope to see you online soon and prove me wrong.


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