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Date Posted: 09:36:08 07/24/09 Fri
Author: Nararea
Subject: Heads up

Hi Guys,

A couple of months have now passed since I joined sword or service a guild that at the beginning showed a tight, enthusiastic sence of community. We tried to make an effort to play well encoruaging each other and playing alts to get the proper group dynamics.

We left CLA because (that’s my guess) the guild didn’t have a sence of direction and was a bit to big for us to get noticed in.

Logging in lately I’ve noticed that the alliance we have played in has just become a surrogate CLA but worse then that we don’t belong to a bigger alliance so we don’t get the big picture. Instead of being just one C LA guild we are several guilds bunched together with so big egos that no one will bend for a common good. I’ve tried, but the reward for playing the most needed class is so diluted by people to bothered to do there own thing that it is not noticable.

To put it short, I really looked forward to play WAR when I came back from my vacation but guess what! To use a guild phrase “it sucked donkey balls” but this time around I tested my theory and my conclusion is that our alliance war bands performs on o par in comparison to a PUG but in a PUG you don’t get the stress of listening to some people (Not guildies this is important) on vent.

Actually I led a warband in Reikland and guess what they followed orders and were all in the same zone at the same BO a thing we can’t brag about . I joined an alliance warband in the same zon and joined in on vent and it was a real comedy with phrases like “-Why am I not getting healed? Oh the healer is in another zone”, “-how can I be knocked down from a wall? –you are standing in a pit of shades. –It’s unfait that PoS has sucha long range. –Actually the sorc is just below you at the wall!”

I’ll give sword or service acouple of more weeks but if nothing changes I will probably try to get in to a more rvr oriented guild in the big allkiance that has been put togeher. The reason I am posting is just to give you guys a heads up so there is no hostile feelings if I suddenly quit the guild but it just seems like we don't have the same vision any more which is playing in small tight groups where people knows what they are doing.

My biggest question is why we didn’t merge with Fallen Legion and join that alliance but then I’m not in to game politics.

Cheers and hopefully see you tonight,

Nararea / Klas

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