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Date Posted: 05:58:50 09/29/09 Tue
Author: Mom
Subject: Congrats Syd

** Congratulations Sydney!! **
Tropical Dream Stars USA
9-10 Division Beauty

Designs by Brexie

Wow Miss Martha how can I even begin to thank you for the wonderful pageant.
The stage was beautiful and the crowns and money and well,
everything was top notch!

Miss Teresea, and Debbie thanks so much for my awesome hair and make up,
you sure know how to make me look my best! Big thanks to
Miss Teresea for the very best dress in the entire world!
Oh must be ya know my special idea that just set it off
right, lol. I love you so much and you are a very special
and important person to both me and my mom!
Miss Kerry thanks for my extra brown girl tan, it was perfect!

Miss Christina, girl what can I say to thank you for all
you have done for me. Even after a 9 month break you can
whip me into shape to STRUT my stuff! I promise I will
try to loosen up a bit but dont tell my cheer coach!
Miss Valerie it was sure different without you there,
sure did miss you! Thanks for my special bell Miss Donna
I just love coming to pageants and seeing you there and
hearing you cheer for me.

Big Congrats to all of my friends whom competed this weekend.
Thanks Miss Kerry for the awesome road trip but you
and mom have to stop talking next time so you dont miss the exit!
Ashley, Abby, Madi, Cameron, Joann, Karsyn, and Ciera
I had so much fun playing with you! Trish and Abby you
were great roomies and thanks for the shoes, my mom is
buying me all new ones this week!
Miss Janelle I love you! Lol Misty and Shelby you really
make it fun standing in line, miss you already!

Sydney White
9-10 Division Beauty
9-10 Best Hair
9-up Overall Best Dressed


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