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Date Posted: 11:46:29 03/07/09 Sat
Author: Rob
Subject: ENDOSYN gear (Test 500, Deca 300, EQ 300 + more) US

$200.00 USD Minimum
$20.00 USD Shipping Charge ( order over $300 free shipping)
Western Union ||® & Credit Card payments accepted (minimum for credit card payment is $250)
No Restrictions. Ship Worldwide
Only email: musclemania@hushmail.com


Order by following these easy steps:
1. Do not order unless you intend to pay WITHIN 48 hours
2. Email your shipping name & address
3. Include what you require, COPY AND PASTE the product and price. Put 'ENDO' as the subject line. Make sure you total your order including the shipping
4. If paying by credit card, please specify so invoice can be sent
5. All packs sent with tracking, no signature required.
6. If you prefer a different shipping carrier (FEDex, UPS, DHL, etc.) please specify (extra charges apply)

You will receive a confirmation email and payment details if you complete the above correctly, failure will result in your email being deleted without reply.

once payment has been received your order will be shipped, T/A time for domestic orders is 3-5 days, international 7-10 days

Do not email asking for a list, read below


The British Dispensary Anabol - 10mg Methandienone
$60.00 - 100 tabs
$100.00 - 200 tabs
$220.00 - 500 tabs

The British Dispensary Anabol - 5mg Methandienone
$200 - 1000 tabs

The British Dispensary Androlic - 50mg Oxymethelone
$40.00 - 10 tabs
$150.00 - 50 tabs
$200.00 - 100 tabs

The British Dispensary Azolol - 5mg Stanozolol
$100.00 - 100 tabs
$150.00 - 200 tabs
$230.00 - 400 tabs



The discount amounts are not specific to each ENDOSYN product, its pro-rata, so if you order 10 different vials, you get the 10 vial price each product you order.

ENDOSYN Decabolic 300, 10mL, 300mg/mL Nandrolone Decanoate
$95.00 - 1-4 vials
$90.00 - 5 - 10 vials
$85.00 - 10 +

ENDOSYN Dianabolic 25, 10mL, 25mg/mL Methandrostenolone
$40.00 - 1 - 4 vials
$35.00 - 5 - 10 vials
$30.00 - 10 +

ENDOSYN Durabolic 100, 10mL, 100mg/mL Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
$65.00 - 1 - 4 vials
$60.00 - 5 - 10 vials
$55.00 - 10 +

ENDOSYN Equabolic 300, 10mL, 300mg/mL Boldenone Undecylenate
$85.00 - 1 - 4 vials
$80.00 - 5 - 10 vials
$75.00 - 10 +

ENDOSYN Testabolic 100, 10mL, 100mg/mL, Testosterone Propionate
$60.00 - 1 - 4 vials
$55.00 - 5 - 10 vials
$50.00 - 10 +

ENDOSYN Testabolic 200, 10mL, 200mg/mL, Testosterone Cypionate
$75.00 - 1 - 4 vials
$70.00 - 5 - 10 vials
$65.00 - 10 +

ENDOSYN Testabolic 300, 10mL, 300mg/mL, Testosterone Enanthate
$85.00 - 1 - 4 vials
$80.00 - 5 - 10 vials
$75.00 - 10 +

ENDOSYN Sustabolic 250, 10mL, 250mg/mL, 30mg Testosterone Propionate, 60mg Testosterone Phenylpropionate, 60mg, Testosterone Isocaproate, 100mg Testosterone Decanoate
$85.00 - 1 - 4 vials
$80.00 - 5 - 10 vials
$75.00 - 10 +

ENDOSYN Testabolic 500, 10mL, 500mg/mL, 250mg Testosterone Cypionate, 250mg Testosterone Enanthate
$125.00 -1 - 4 vials
$120.00 - 5 - 10 vials
$115.00 - 10 +

ENDOSYN Trenabolic 75, 10mL, 75mg/mL, Trenbolone Acetate
$90.00 - 1 - 4 vials
$85.00 - 5 - 10 vials
$80.00 - 10 +

ENDOSYN Trenabolic 100, 10mL, 100mg/mL, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
$110.00 - 1 - 4 vials
$105.00 - 5 - 10 vials
$100.00 - 10 +

ENDOSYN Trenabolic 150, 10mL, 150mg/mL, 50mg Trenbolone Acetate, 50mg Trenbolone Enanthate, 50mg Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
$150.00 - 1 - 4 vials
$145.00 - 5 - 10 vials
$140.00 - 10 +

ENDOSYN Trenabolic 200, 10mL, 200mg/mL, Trenbolone Enanthate
$110.00 -1 - 4 vials
$105.00 - 5 - 10 vials
$100.00 - 10 +

ENDOSYN Mastabolic 100, 10mL, 100mg/mL, Drostanolone Propionate
$85.00 -1 - 4 vials
$80.00 - 5 - 10 vials
$75.00 - 10 +

ENDOSYN Cutabolic 150, 10mL, 150mg/mL, 50mg Drostanolone Propionate, 50mg Trenbolone Acetate, 50mg Testosterone Propionate
$105.00 - 1 - 4 vials
$100.00 - 5 - 10 vials
$95.00 - 10 +

ENDOSYN Primabolic 100, 10mL, 100mg/mL Methenolone Enanthate
$105.00 - 1- 4 vials
$100.00 - 5 - 10 vials
$95.00 - 10 +

The discount amounts are not specific to each ENDOSYN™ product, its pro-rata, so if you order 10 different vials, you get the 10 vial price each product you order.




ENDOSYN Decabolic 300, 10mL, 300mg/mL Nandrolone Decanoate

ENDOSYN Durabolic 100, 10mL, 100mg/mL Nandrolone Phenylpropionate

ENDOSYN Equabolic 300, 10mL, 300mg/mL Boldenone Undecylenate

ENDOSYN Testabolic 100, 10mL, 100mg/mL, Testosterone Propionate

ENDOSYN Testabolic 200, 10mL, 200mg/mL, Testosterone Cypionate

ENDOSYN Testabolic 300, 10mL, 300mg/mL, Testosterone Enanthate

ENDOSYN Sustabolic 250, 10mL, 250mg/mL, 30mg Testosterone Propionate, 60mg Testosterone Phenylpropionate, 60mg, Testosterone Isocaproate, 100mg Testosterone Decanoate

ENDOSYN Trenabolic 75, 10mL, 75mg/mL, Trenbolone Acetate

ENDOSYN Mastabolic 100, 10mL, 100mg/mL, Drostanolone Propionate



Turkey - Organon Sustanon 250mg/ml
$8 per amp - 1-25 amps
$7 per amp - 25-50 amps
$6 per amp - 50-100
$4 per amp - 100+

Pakistan- Karachi sustanon 250mg/ml
$8 per amp - 1-25 amps
$7 per amp - 25-50 amps
$6 per amp - 50-100
$4 per amp - 100+

Iran- Aburaihan testosterone enanthate 250mg/ml
$8 per amp - 1-25 amps
$7 per amp - 25-50 amps
$6 per amp - 50-100
$4 per amp - 100+

Spain- Zambon winstrol 50mg/ml
$11 per amp - 1-25 amps
$10 per amp - 25-50 amps
$9 per amp - 50-100
$7 per amp - 100+

Iran- Deca 25mg/ml
$7 per amp - 1-25 amps
$6 per amp - 25-50 amps
$5 per amp - 50-100
$4 per amp - 100+

HCG - Human Chorionic Gondanotropin
$40.00 - 5000iu
$210.00 - 50,000iu
(Bacteriostatic water 30mL - $20.00)

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