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Date Posted: 15:57:24 04/14/11 Thu
Author: Marcia
Subject: Dazzlin Dollz Pageants

Dazzlin Dollz
“Remember the Fallen Heroes”

Come join us May 21st for our Washington, Pa “Remember the Fallen Heroes” Pageant!!!!!
All will receive fees off the PA State Pageant.
...Age Divisions 0-6 months, 7-12 months, 13-23 months, 2 – 3 years, 4-5 years, 6-8 years, 9-11 years, 13-15 years, 16-18 years, 19 and up
We do reserve the right to combine age groups in the event of low numbers.

Age Category Competition Awards: Queen, Princess, and Court Beauties
Age Side Awards: Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Eyes, Best Smile, Best Personality
Supremes: Mini Supreme (add one for every 15 contestants) and Grand Supreme
High Point Awards: Elite, Ultra Elite, and High Point
Overalls: Photogenic, Beauty, Best Dresses
Cover Model Award

Dazzlin Dollz is a semi glitz pageant system. We allow stoned dresses, hair pieces, make-up, and light tans. Natural contestants are welcome, Naturals can win over semi glitz.
We encourage a positive attitude and showmanship!

Areas of competition are: Beauty Wear, themed outfit of choice, and photogenic.
Judging Criteria: We judge on facial beauty, poise, personality, and photogenic. We prefer natural retouched photos.


Contestant Name:
Age: Hair Color: Eye Color:
Phone Number:
Parents Name:
Sponsored by:
Tell us a little bit about your child:

Supreme Package (mandatory)
_____$75 includes age divisional awards and side options along with Supreme Eligibility
High Point Package
_____$40 includes Elite, Ultra Elite, and High Point
Overall Title Package
_____$10 includes Photogenic, Beauty, and Best Dressed
Cover Model
_____$25 includes unlimited photo submissions

_____$ Total Price ( include all you are competing in)
_____$50 deposit (subtract from balance) deposit due by 5/10/2011
_____$ Total due by pageant day.

Send Payment To:
Tobias Mazzoni
1713 Rider Road
Rimersburg, PA 16248
Marcia Mazzoni
(814) 473-3933


BEAUTY WEAR: Beauty wear is your choice of formal wear, it can be a long or short dress. The dress itself is not judged, you are judged on how it compliments you on stage, does it compliment your complexion and figure. You will also be judged on eye contact and smiling at the judges. How graceful and poised you are. We will provide the music.

THEME WEAR: Theme wear is you choice of outfit. You can be as classic or creative as you want. It can be an outfit or costume of your choice. We will provide music if you choose not to bring your own. You will be judged on overall appearance, eye contact and smiling with the judges, and stage personality.

PHOTOGENIC: It will be given to a panel of judges that will judge the photo on overall appearance, clarity, and personality of the photo. We prefer natural retouches.
General Rules

No Door Entries will be accepted. Entries must be received by May 10th to order enough prizes
Payments can be made to Tobias Mazzoni check, money order, or cash is accepted.
Judges Scores and Decisions are FINAL.
This is an event for children. Poor sportsmanship out of a child or parent will disqualify you and your child, you will be asked to leave without refund.
You are competing in the age group that is the age of your child on the day of the pageant.

Guidelines for Parents
Always show good sportsmanship and set a good example. It is how our girls learn!
Keep your daughter quiet and under control, If they are upset or excited please take them for a walk, we do not want the girls who are preforming to be distracted, be courteous, so everyone has a fair chance.
There will not be snacks or drinks so be prepared to have those for your child so we do not have to worry about fainting or fussiness.
And always remember that your daughter did the best she could do during the pageant, and everyone has an off day, if we see any type of parental punishment due to a routine screw up you will be asked to leave immediately, this is their day to shine, and routine screw ups happen, and you will know what to work on next time, but we want to keep this a fun experience.

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