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Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 16:39:42 10/01/09 Thu
In reply to: jean the frenchie 's message, "Re: Nude during physical exam" on 05:27:38 10/01/09 Thu

Yes, It took a full 3 minutes to describe my body as I was doing a Mr. Muscle pose and I was turning around and commenting on different parts of my body asking her if she thought I was too thin. She had to agree after looking at my torso for that length of time that I definitely was not too thin.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 18:25:08 10/01/09 Thu

Replying to jean the frenchie .
The remand home dealt with boys aged twelve to seventeen .
All new boys arriving were subject to a mandatory strip naked medical and personal hygeine inspection .This was followed by a shower . Each boy was provided with a change of underware jeans and a top .
Each new group of boys would be brought into the reception area . A fairly large well lit half tiled room .
I would be the first to greet them in this room ,though two other male staff members would have entered with them . Also of course the doctor would be present in the room or on his way .
I would open a medical record for each boy ,checking details of name , age , home address , school etc . Also details from the boy or any medical notes accompanying the boy regarding any health issues . These would be placed with his medical record .
On completion of such details from each boy I would indicate to one of the male staff to instruct the boys to get completely undressed place their clothing in a marked bag and form a line to be weighed and measured by myself .
By this time the doctor was ready to begin examining the first boy lined up in front of him and I would join him
to take his observations as he checked each boy . Scalp ,ears , teeth ,underarms ,chest and back sounded ,then penis testicles and bending over , buttocks spread for visual inspection .
As the doctor finished with each boy he would be lead over to the showers by a staff member to join any others as they washed under supervision .

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Don to Marjorie
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Date Posted: 06:37:18 10/02/09 Fri

What a hippocrit! All you do on another site is complain about how you were sexually abused and how you will NEVER accept opposite gender care or be examined by a man while naked. But you believe it's OK for you to do that exact thing to young, volnurable and scared boys? How can you live with yourself? Did you really think it was alright to do that?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 11:23:56 10/03/09 Sat

Sorry Don ,I think you have got a bit confused here with someone else ?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

jean the frenchie
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Date Posted: 18:24:30 10/05/09 Mon

"Marjorie" : I have still some questions about your experience in a remand home.

You have said that the boys were from 12 to 17 age ; When some boys came from juvenile courts, did they were gathered by group of about the same age, for example a first group from 12 to 14 age, and an other group of 14 to 17 age or did they were gathered in a group of half a dozen all mixed in ages of 12 to 17 and forced to report in front of you all together ?

If they were mixed all together with a great difference of age,it would be more embarrassing for the older boys who were naked with the younger ones in the same line first in front of you and after in front of the doctor.

I am also surprised that they were led to take a shower all together after the thorough examination by the doctor.
In my opinion,it would have been more efficient if the boys took their shower before examination, their cleanliness would have been checked before and not after.
If I was a doctor, I would order that the process of inspection was modified. It would be more normal.

An other issue was that if I have well undersrtood,the boys were naked for the first part of the examination, the weigh of course, but also I presume for a vision test which was not necessary.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 18:03:33 10/07/09 Wed

In answer to jean the frenchie ,the boys were just a mixed age group as sent and as a mixed group they had to undergo the reception process or procedure .
As each boy`s inspection was completed he would be ushered over to the showers on the other side of the reception area . This was effectively in the same room but was partly screened by a low wall.
This would then make way for the next boy in line to step forward for inspection and so on .
The boys arriving would have come from all sorts of backgrounds and personal hygeine standards ,often poor . So the procedure of having to undress for the doctor`s inspection before a shower allowed for easier identification of any parasitic conditions that might be accompanying a boy . This would of course be noted and any treatment provided . Then the shower ,some treatment if required followed by clean underware and some clean outer clothing .

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 13:42:38 10/06/09 Tue

I don't know if Marjorie is still around because I wanted to ask her if she was the only female employed in this remand home for boys. I have seen several other accounts on other forums about these remand homes or juvenile detention centres where several of the guards were women, sometimes girls just out of college, who regularly searched the boys nude or oversaw them while showering as part of their duty. I think it is or was the same in some bootcamps where the boys are humiliated in every way to increase their punishment and discipline. Can anyone confirm this?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 18:13:17 10/07/09 Wed

In reply to Jock ,yes there were one or two other women employed at the home .
Certainly at least one in the office and they did have a matron . Another woman came in for music lessons for those who showed an interest .
Humiliation was never any intended part of the process.
The requirement to strip was for a reason , it was I know similar to procedures at a remand home for girls also .

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