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Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 09:14:56 11/01/09 Sun
In reply to: Mike 's message, "Re: Nude during physical exam" on 13:25:48 07/13/09 Mon

Majorie, did your job as assistant to the matron of a private school prepare you for the remand home? What did the school job entail? Was it an added recommendation when you were employed at the remand home?
"I would then stand by the doctor and observe any comments
he might make about a boys general state of health development and personal hygeine as he was thoroughly examined fully nude." Please explain this more fully - e.g. "development" and "personal hygiene"? How did the boys react to these comments?
The showers were behind a low wall - so you would have been cognisant as to what transpired there. Any observations?
Was corporal punishment allowed at the home and could this be seen on their bodies?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 19:06:24 11/01/09 Sun

In reply to Tiny . Yes it did ,in some ways .
I was brought up with two step brothers who were rather quiet studious types .
At the school where I worked the boys were quite different .
I assisted the Matron with day to day cuts and sprains. Also administering any medication and sometimes random bedtime clean hand and feet inspections .
Also I might help out with the laundry.
These boys were noisy ,full of energy certainly mischievous and often needing reminders to change their socks and underware more regularly and that soap was provided to keep them clean rather than to be placed on the floor for matron to slip on .
So being confronted with boys at the home who were often all that and more I think I was better prepared .
I had to apply like others to work at the Home but I was reccomended by others for consideration .
As each boy stepped forward the doctor would begin an established procedure of inspection .
1st , general apperance ie signs of malnourishment , neglect, cuts ,bruises etc. front then back .
Then scalp ,ears ,teeth ,underarms hands finger nails toes toe nails .
The doctor would comment ,satisfactory , poor ,needing attention ,further examination required etc .
I would just basically tick the boxes on each sheet for each boy as the doctor went through the procedure .
Healthy development could be determined by general apperance and inspection of genital area .
Despite only a low wall , about waist high I did not really see the showering procedure as it was the other side of the room .
To my knowledge corporal punishment was not used for discipline at the home .

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 03:09:16 11/02/09 Mon

Marjorie Saunders did a female doctor ever give the exams? And if so was she more thorough than the male doctor?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 17:19:41 11/03/09 Tue

In reply to zone ,I do remember that a woman doctor was sometimes available to stand in to carry out the occasional health inspections on the boys during their stay .
Also each boy was medically examined on leaving the remand home and she would have been called in if required to assist in this .
This would have been done on an individual basis if it was just one boy being released .
The reqirement to strip naked would have been the same and this would have been in the presence of a male staff member .

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 07:49:48 11/02/09 Mon

Marjorie, did some of the boys get erect during these checkups, especially if they were all undressed together and had to wait in the nude for their turn to be checked?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 07:57:34 11/02/09 Mon

Marjorie, as assistant to the matron when you worked at the boys home did you check the boys for cleanliness after their bath or showers?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 18:10:43 11/03/09 Tue

Replying to Larry . Well Larry it would seem that boys even in embarrassing situations cannot hide what they are thinking or feeling .
Being under compulsion to take off every stich of clothing in such a formal manner in the presence of others always brought at least a blush and even a gasp . Sometimes some nervous giggling .
But those thoughts or feelings would become evident when the final item of clothing had to come down .
So what could normally be concealed in underwear became apparent .
Hands clasped in front had to be hands behind the head when before the doctor .
Some questions from the understanding doctor about parents and home life often distracted a boys thoughts from what was going on below .
Also regarding the private boys school I worked in .
Random bathtime checks were carried out with boys in underpants and vest . Just , behind ears type of thing ,or clean hands and feet .

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[> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

jean the frenchie
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Date Posted: 18:56:46 11/02/09 Mon

I think that some comments of Marjorie are interesting because they show us how things have changed in a certain way;

it is true that in the recent past years, it was common for a mother or anybody else who was in care of boys to have to remind boys under may be 16 age that they might change their socks and underwears more regularly and frequently.

It was the same in France in summer camp and boarding schools, the boys needed really a reminder or even an inspection if the supervisors wanted that they were clean.

I believe that it is different now, boys are more concerned by their cleanliness than in the past;

so in the past, it was not a sadistic attitude but boys really needed to be supervised for the cleanliness of socks and underwears( furthermore if they had not been educated by their family) and of course the body;

it seems to me very logical in a remand home where the boys needed to learn many rules of life that they had not learned in their families!

As regards the inspection of their body to look if they had not some bruises, front and back, it is also logical.

it was made also by military doctors in the russian army when they had to perform an examination of new soldiers in the navy just after their arrival on a boat.I have seen it on a documentary;

To "marjorie" ; I am not really shocked by that but I have noticed that the rules of the process of induction in the remand home were not exactly the same for girls and boys ; if i have well understood, the girls were not examined all naked together, they stripped completely first but they were examined one by one behind a curtain, it was not so similar to military physicals in group as it was for the boys. The worst humiliation would be for the older boys between 14 and 17 age, when they were examinedin plain view of each other, under that age, it was less embarrassing

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

Marjorie Saunders
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Date Posted: 18:02:48 11/04/09 Wed

In reply to jean the frenchie . I agree with your comments about boys being more concerned with being clean these days and often less so in times past .
Hence as you report French boys at school or camp found themselves having to let , a presumably male ,staff member inspect their underware and private areas to see that they observed adequate personal hygiene .
At the girls remand home an element of modesty was provided for .
At the mandatory strip physical inspection aii new girls arriving were subjected to ,the girls were individually inspected by the doctor behind a screen with a nurse present with him . Not all in together waiting in the nude one behind the other waiting their turn , as was the case for the boys .
However they would have have had to obey the two women staff members in the arrival room when they were instructed to strip naked and put on a dressing gown and wait to be taken into the inspection room.

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