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] Date Posted:17:43:09 11/15/09 Sun In reply to:
Marjorie Saunders
's message, "Re: Nude during physical exam" on 19:48:11 11/08/09 Sun
To Author regarding those able to observe a boy`s medical examination .
Each boy along with one or both parents would be called into the medical examination room and the door would be closed .
Myself and of course the doctor would be the only other persons in the room throughout the boys examination .
As with any medical inspection the most embarrassing part is when underware has to come down or off .
A refusal to co operate with the Doctor might mean a visit to the Headmaster`s office the next day when a boys bottom might require a different type of attention.
Also parents knowing the medical inspection procedures that would have been agreed to when they enrolled their sons would have expected their boys to be obedient to the School Doctor even if this required them to strip for him.
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