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Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

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Date Posted: 16:42:47 01/05/19 Sat
In reply to: Dr feelwonder 's message, "Re: Nude during physical exam" on 18:36:52 07/27/12 Fri

This happened to me several times as a teen with one particular doctor. He was an internal medicine MD who was my mother's favorite doctor. He was very old fashioned and spoke English with a little bit of an accent that suggested he may have originally been from central or Eastern Europe.

I was in high school and was home sick. My mother took me to this doctor and he had her come back into the exam room with me. During the examination he had me lay back on the table and was poking my abdomen.
Then he motioned for my to pull my pants and underwear down. I'm sure a shocked look came over my face as I pointed to my mother and mumbled something like "but she's in here". He looked at me as if I were being ridiculous (which looking back I was), made kind of a "tsk, tsk" sound and pulled my pants and underwear down. All the while more or less telling me that's your mother, you should never be embarrassed for her to see you.

My mother had not seen me naked since I had gone through puberty and no other doctor had ever done that since puberty with her in the exam room.

In subsequent visits to this doctor, the same thing would happen every time. I became used to the drill and would pull my pants down when asked whether my mother was in the room or not. I realized I didn't really mind, I had just gotten into my young head that I should be embarrassed for my mother to see my naked. The doctor dispelled that notion completely, at least in the context of a medical exam. However, its not like I started running around naked in front of my mother after that. I don't remember her seeing me naked any other time except for maybe when I spent a week in the hospital post-surgery in my early 20s.

On a side note, the same doctor did the same thing with my brother. It became something of a joke between us. Our mother I think was a little embarrassed like us at first, but like the doctor thought boys being excessively modest around their mothers was ridiculous.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Nude during physical exam

a mother
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Date Posted: 04:47:41 02/27/19 Wed

"This happened to me several times as a teen with one particular doctor. He was an internal medicine MD who was my mother's favorite doctor. He was very old fashioned and spoke English with a little bit of an accent that suggested he may have originally been from central or Eastern Europe.

I was in high school and was home sick. My mother took me to this doctor and he had her come back into the exam room with me. During the examination he had me lay back on the table and was poking my abdomen.
Then he motioned for my to pull my pants and underwear down. I'm sure a shocked look came over my face as I pointed to my mother and mumbled something like "but she's in here". He looked at me as if I were being ridiculous (which looking back I was), made kind of a "tsk, tsk" sound and pulled my pants and underwear down. All the while more or less telling me that's your mother, you should never be embarrassed for her to see you.

My mother had not seen me naked since I had gone through puberty and no other doctor had ever done that since puberty with her in the exam room.

In subsequent visits to this doctor, the same thing would happen every time. I became used to the drill and would pull my pants down when asked whether my mother was in the room or not. I realized I didn't really mind, I had just gotten into my young head that I should be embarrassed for my mother to see my naked. The doctor dispelled that notion completely, at least in the context of a medical exam. However, its not like I started running around naked in front of my mother after that. I don't remember her seeing me naked any other time except for maybe when I spent a week in the hospital post-surgery in my early 20s.

On a side note, the same doctor did the same thing with my brother. It became something of a joke between us. Our mother I think was a little embarrassed like us at first, but like the doctor thought boys being excessively modest around their mothers was ridiculous."

Usually, female pediatricians are more likely to share details of the boy's intimate medical check-up with his mother than the male pediatrician. Probably this is the reason most mothers prefer female pediatricians to their sons.

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