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Carolinas' Our LIttle Miss -- Mary Gale, Director, 18:17:25 04/03/09 Fri [1]

2009 Carolina’s Our Little Miss
Scholarship Competition

A Preliminary Pageant to World’s Our Little Miss to be held July 5,2009 to July 11, 2009
(Gaylord Palms Result, Orlando Florida)

Also benefiting the Florence Humane Society
Americas Best Value Inn
Interstate 95 @ Exit 169 TV Road
Florence, South Carolina
Carolina’s Our Little Miss May 15th - 17th, 2009

Final Deadline for Entry: May 5, 2009

Contact: Carolina’s Our Little Miss Headquarters
Mary Gale - States Director
Phone (843) 610-6559

Official Competitions
Baby Petite(0-2) Miss LaPetite(3-6) Our Little Miss(7-9) Our Little Miss Preteen(10-12) Ideal Miss(13-17) Universal Girl (18-26) Universal Ms. (26 and over or married)
Ages 0-6 yrs will compete in the following
• Close-up Appraisal (Interview),Playtime with the Judges
• Party Dress (Short)
• Sportswear
Ages7 and up will compete in the following
• Close-up Appraisal (Interview) Team OLM
• Party Dress (ages 3-12 Short) Talent
• Evening Gown (13 & over long)
• Sportswear

Official Awards
Receives the Official OLM State Round Rhinestone Crown, with velvet crown insert, Monogrammed Wrap Banner, Trophy and use of States Velvet Full-Length satin lined Robe. She will also receive her entry fee of $300.00 paid to the World Official Pageant in July. The winners will also receive all Scholarship Money!! Also enjoy a full year of exciting appearances.
Princess winners will be awarded in each division. The Princess winner is the successor to the crown. If for some reason the Winner cannot paid to the World Official Pageant.
Mini Queen :
Is the highest scoring contestant opposite age of the queen. They receive Rhinestone crown, banner, trophy and entry fee of $300.00 paid to Worlds Official Pageant.

Talent : (Ages 7-up) Personality Plus (Ages birth to 6 )
Receives a banner, trophy, Rhinestone crown, entry fee of $300.00 to the World Official Pageant.

Receives a trophy & a portion of the entry fee ($150.00) the World Official Pageant.
All participants will receive a participation award and will qualify for the World Competition.
You must compete in the division based on your age on March 5, 2009

* All winners will have the opportunity to audition for the King Red Productions

State Clothing Rules – Specific Clothing Guidelines
Party Dress (Contestants ages 0-12)/Evening Gown (Contestants ages 13 & over):
*Ages 0-12 will compete in Party Dress competition. The length of the dress should not be long. The acceptable length is any where from knee length to mid-calf. Remember we are not looking for "Miniature Adults!"
* 0-12 age groups cannot appear in party dresses with the back lower than the contestants' shoulder blades...No exceptions.
* Ages 13 & over will compete in Evening Gown competition. The length of the dress should be floor length. An example of an appropriate evening gown would be a prom dress or a dress worn to a formal Prom.
*Party Dress/Evening Gown should be age appropriate in style and adornments. No side midriff cutouts, indecent back exposure and no split skirts above the knees in Evening gown. There are no set rules for panty hose or socks for any age division.
* All Party Dresses & Evening Gowns...Strapless or one shoulder strapped dresses are not permitted and all straps must be at least a 1" minimum width. Halter-tops can be worn with 1" straps. The back of the dress must follow clothing regulations.
Sportswear (Contestants All Ages):
* Sportswear for all ages must be an active or dressy outfit. No skirts, dresses, swimsuits, glittery costumes, rhinestones (glittery objects) or sequins will be allowed! This includes diamond or sparkly earrings/jewelry, hair adornment or buttons. Universal Ms. contestants are allowed to wear an engagement/wedding ring only, no cocktail rings.
* Skorts can be worn; however they must resemble shorts in some way. They cannot simply wear a skirt with shorts or bloomers underneath. New fashion outfits do have short attached completely to over skirt and this will be acceptable; however bottoms must still not resemble a skirt totally.
*Contestants age 0-12 should wear something casual in style, for example a Capri set or a cute walking shorts outfit, pant outfits can also be worn at this age.
*Contestants ages 13 & over should wear a pant or Capri outfit. Most wear a matching pant and jacket out fit.
Close-up Appraisal (Contestants all Ages):
* Attire for Close-up Appraisal ages 0-6 should be a Sunday's Best type dress. Ages 7-12 can be a Sunday's Best dress or Business suit. Ages 13 & up should be Business suit attire. No slacks may be worn in any age division for close-up appraisal.
Talent (Contestants ages 7 & Over):
* Ages 7 & Over must compete in a Talent Presentation. Anything entertaining and in good taste is considered a Talent presentation. All talents cannot exceed 2 min and 59 seconds. Failure to comply to the time limit will make the contestant ineligible for the title. All talent costumes must follow the guidelines given for the Party/Dress and Evening Gown Competitions. NO disrobing is allowed in talent, this includes throwing a boa, hat, etc. If you play a musical instrument you must supply your own instrument. If a piano is on the property you will be allowed to use it, please check with your director to see if a piano is available for competition. If not then all piano players can join together on the cost to bring one in.
* Any contestant ages 0-6 entering Optional Talent must also follow the talent guidelines!!
* Disrobing - If an article of clothing leaves your body intentionally (such as a scarf or hat being thrown), this is considered disrobing and is a violation. Dropping batons by accident is not disrobing. A contestant can change batons, flags and similar talent implements.
*A costume malfunction is not a violation, it is an infraction. This would be like a hat or losing a shoe accidentally (as opposed to an intentional throwing off of a hat, coat or shoe) during the talent presentation.

Other Important Information

Payment Information:

Entry fee for Carolina’s Our Little Miss is $175.00. Anyone who took place in a workshop or Our Little Miss, or Livin Doll pageant will receive a $25.00 discount off state fee.
Also, we will give a sister discount if 2 or more from a family is participating.

It is understood that State/Regional Winners will have to advance to the 2010 World Competition in Orlando, FL July 5-11, 2009 and will be required to reign at no less than 2 preliminary competitions and the next year’s state competition. If the above mentioned appearances are not met all prizes and honors will be revoked. Our winners are expected to know the rules and regulations as set forth by Carolina’s Our Little Miss and Our Little Miss, Inc. and abide by them at all times. All rules and regulations will be distributed, read and understood throughout this contestant handbook and the release form must be signed before entry into the competition.

Hotel Information:

We will be staying at: America’s Best Value Inn Hotel, Interstate 95, Exit 169, TV Road. Rooms are $40.00 a night including tax. Make reservations by calling 843-669-1715. You must tell them you are with Carolina’s Our Little Miss.

All Contestants must be signed in and staying at the hotel at least Friday &
Saturday night. If not registered at the hotel for that night the contestant will be charged an extra $100.00 fees to compete.

What do I need to do to enter?
For entry into the State competition, send in your forms, your picture(s), and your $75.00 deposit (which will be subtracted from your final balance) by May 5, 2009. After that you will receive an entry confirmation and a complete invoice for your payment.

Carolina’s Our Little Miss Forms (Due May 5, 2009)
Forms are to be typewritten or printed only
A $50 Late Fee will be applied after posted deadline: May 5 2009
MAIL TO: Carolina’s Our Little Miss
4201 S.Irby Street Lot 6
Florence, South Carolina 29505


Registration 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Rehersal for opening number and football game 6:00 P.M.
Pool side Southwestern Party 7:00 P.M.

9:00 Interview
Baby Petite, La Petite, Our Little Miss, Our Little Miss Pre-Teen,
Ideal Miss, Universal Girl and Universal Ms.
10:00 A.M.
Playtime with the Judges
Baby Petites and La Petite
10:30 A.M.
Team OLM
Our Little Miss, Our Little Miss Pre-
teen and Ideal Miss Contestants

11:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
Lunch (on your own)

1:00 P.M.
Starting with Our Little Miss, Our Little Miss Pre-teen, Ideal Miss, Universal Girl, Universal Ms., Baby Petite and La Petite.

2:00 P.M.
Our Little Miss, Our Little Miss Pre-Teen, Ideal Miss,
Universal Girl and Universal Ms.

3:00 P.M.
Party Dress/Evening Gown Presentation
Our Little Miss, Our Little Miss Pre-Teen,
Ideal Miss, Universal Girl, Universal Ms.
Baby Petite and Miss La Petite

After Party Dress/Evening Gown competition we will rehearse for the production number and the Phantom Football Game.
4:45 P.M.
Cookout in the pool area.
6:30 P.M.
Leave for the Florence Phantom Football Game
Attire for ALL contestants is your Our Little Miss T-Shirt and Kaki pants,shorts,skort, or skirt.
8:00 A.M. to 8:30 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
Finals and Crowning

Cake and Punch will be served after crowning to welcome all our new Our Little Miss Winners

For more information and official handbook for state competition, please contact us at 843-610-6559 or you can down load the entire application and hand book at carolinasolm09@yahoo.com or check out our web page at www.carolinasolm.com

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