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Subject: Lets go!

Mike Giordano
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Date Posted: 20:50:53 10/20/09 Tue
In reply to: Midori 's message, "Well that's good" on 20:32:56 10/20/09 Tue

He smiled at her, putting on his shades as they stepped outside. He jabbed a finger over in the car's direction.
"Its all black..leather interior..and best of all, its fast!" He grinned again, fishing the keys out of his pocket and jabbing the door unlock button with his thumb. He walked over to the passenger's side door and opened it for Midori, before returning over to the driver's side, opening the door and shutting the door and shutting out the noise of downtown Cascade Mountains behind him.

"Not too bad huh" He slipped out of his jacket and weapons harness and unholstered the weapons, sliding them under his seat, after which he tossed the other items into the back seat. He slid the key in and turned started up the car, the Camaro's powerful engine roaring to life, while the car's interior came to life as various gauges lit up and his stereo turned on

"Ready for a little joyride?" he asked over the low purr of the Camaro, his eyes flashing with excitement at Midori.

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Just Lead the WayMidori21:07:18 10/20/09 Tue

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