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Subject: Comedian Tommy Cooper was born 100 years ago today

Died on live TV in 1984
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Date Posted: Friday, March 19, 11:54:23am
In reply to: jlp 's message, "Mar. 19th~Happy 101st Birthday! Sociologist Eleanor Bernert Sheldon, Journalist Chelo De Castro is 101, Geographer Pierre Camu is 98, Olympic Athlete Karl Schubler is 97, Theologian Hans Kung is 93, Actress Esther Greenberg turns 90." on Thursday, March 18, 09:03:53pm

Thomas Frederick Cooper (19 March 1921 – 15 April 1984) was a Welsh prop comedian and magician. As an entertainer, his appearance was large and lumbering at 6 feet 4 inches (1.93 m), and he habitually wore a red fez when performing. He initially served in the British Army for seven years, before eventually developing his conjuring skills and becoming a member of the The Magic Circle. Although he spent time on tour performing his magical act, which specialised on magic tricks that appeared to "fail", he rose to international prominence when his career moved into television, with programmes for London Weekend Television and Thames Television.

By the end of the 1970s, Cooper slipped into heavy smoking and drinking, which affected his career and his health, effectively ending offers to front new programmes and relegating him to performing as a guest star on other entertainment shows. Ill health eventually claimed his life when, on 15 April 1984, Cooper died of a heart attack live on television.


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Writer Emma Andijewska is 90, actress Renée Taylor is 88, actress Ursula Andress is 85, singer Clarence "Frogman" Henry is 84, politician Egon Krenz is 84, football player, coach Joe Kapp is 83, singer Ruth Pointer is 75, actress Glenn Close is 74 (NT)Film producer Harvey Weinstein is 69, actor Bruce Willis is 66Friday, March 19, 12:00:04pm
Sad to read he was abusive to colleagues, and even his own family, with history of violence. ...Even with this revealed, it's amazing how much still beloved he is by public.Friday, March 19, 02:47:19pm

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