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Date Posted: 09:36:46 10/25/09 Sun
Author: Westpac Broking
Subject: We're launching a new improved version of the Westpac website on Saturday 24th October.
In reply to: This low has not broken Friday 23rd of October 2009 's message, "QANTAS SHAREPRICE COLLAPSED TOTALLY DIED= THURSDAY OCTOBER 22ND 09---286" on 09:33:29 10/25/09 Sun

Service Announcements
The Westpac website

We're launching a new improved version of the Westpac website on Saturday 24th October.

This will include the Westpac Broking sign in and sign out pages and other Broking pages. However the secure pages of Westpac Broking that you see once you've signed in, will remain the same.

If you have bookmarked these pages you may have to update these bookmarks in your internet browser. The changes will not affect your account in any way.

Security reminder

You can be sure the changes you see are genuine by simply typing www.westpac.com.au into your web browser.

Remember never reply to an email, from us or anyone else, with any of your personal details, including your Customer ID or passwords.

Westpac will never send you an email with a link to your Online Banking.

If you have any questions please contact the Westpac Broking Trading Room Monday to Friday from 7am - 7pm AEST on 13 13 31 or email broking@westpac.com.au.

ASX changes for trading 'Partly Paid Securities'
Effective 1 May 2009, you will be required to provide us a signed Partly Paid Security Client Agreement form.
Funds Available For Trading - Portfolio Value reduction of 20%
This has been necessary because of the current situation in the world's financial markets. Accordingly Westpac Broking has to take action to reduce risk for its clients.

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  • SHARE PRICE DATA -- 27/10/2008===Monday===to 23/10/2009 Friday, 09:40:12 10/25/09 Sun
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