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Date Posted: 10:37:06 10/25/09 Sun
Author: Fixed time around the world Sunday October 25th 2009
Subject: When DST ended in UK===EIRE==it was Noon Sydney Melbourne Canberra
In reply to: 25 October 2009 at 2:00 AM local daylight time 's message, "======END Daylight SAVING====EuropeDST ended on Sunday," on 10:26:57 10/25/09 Sun

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Time is fixed on Sunday, 25 October 2009 at 1:00 AM London time
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Addis Ababa Sun 4:00 AM Guatemala Sat 7:00 PM Nassau * Sat 9:00 PM
Adelaide * Sun 11:30 AM Halifax * Sat 10:00 PM New Delhi Sun 6:30 AM
Aden Sun 4:00 AM Hanoi Sun 8:00 AM New Orleans * Sat 8:00 PM
Algiers Sun 2:00 AM Harare Sun 3:00 AM New York * Sat 9:00 PM
Almaty Sun 7:00 AM Havana * Sat 9:00 PM Oslo Sun 2:00 AM
Amman * Sun 4:00 AM Helsinki Sun 3:00 AM Ottawa * Sat 9:00 PM
Amsterdam Sun 2:00 AM Hong Kong Sun 9:00 AM Paris Sun 2:00 AM
Anadyr Sun 1:00 PM Honolulu Sat 3:00 PM Perth Sun 9:00 AM
Anchorage * Sat 5:00 PM Houston * Sat 8:00 PM Philadelphia * Sat 9:00 PM
Ankara Sun 3:00 AM Indianapolis * Sat 9:00 PM Phoenix Sat 6:00 PM
Antananarivo Sun 4:00 AM Islamabad * Sun 7:00 AM Prague Sun 2:00 AM
Asuncion * Sat 10:00 PM Istanbul Sun 3:00 AM Reykjavik Sun 1:00 AM
Athens Sun 3:00 AM Jakarta Sun 8:00 AM Rio de Janeiro * Sat 11:00 PM
Atlanta * Sat 9:00 PM Jerusalem Sun 3:00 AM Riyadh Sun 4:00 AM
Auckland * Sun 2:00 PM Johannesburg Sun 3:00 AM Rome Sun 2:00 AM
Baghdad Sun 4:00 AM Kabul Sun 5:30 AM San Francisco * Sat 6:00 PM
Bangkok Sun 8:00 AM Kamchatka Sun 1:00 PM San Juan Sat 9:00 PM
Barcelona Sun 2:00 AM Karachi * Sun 7:00 AM San Salvador Sat 7:00 PM
Beijing Sun 9:00 AM Kathmandu Sun 6:45 AM Santiago * Sat 10:00 PM
Beirut Sun 3:00 AM Khartoum Sun 4:00 AM Santo Domingo Sat 9:00 PM
Belgrade Sun 2:00 AM Kingston Sat 8:00 PM Sao Paulo * Sat 11:00 PM
Berlin Sun 2:00 AM Kiritimati Sun 3:00 PM Seattle * Sat 6:00 PM
Bogota Sat 8:00 PM Kolkata Sun 6:30 AM Seoul Sun 10:00 AM
Boston * Sat 9:00 PM Kuala Lumpur Sun 9:00 AM Shanghai Sun 9:00 AM
Brasilia * Sat 11:00 PM Kuwait City Sun 4:00 AM Singapore Sun 9:00 AM
Brisbane Sun 11:00 AM Kyiv Sun 3:00 AM Sofia Sun 3:00 AM
Brussels Sun 2:00 AM La Paz Sat 9:00 PM St. John's * Sat 10:30 PM
Bucharest Sun 3:00 AM Lagos Sun 2:00 AM St. Paul * Sat 8:00 PM
Budapest Sun 2:00 AM Lahore * Sun 7:00 AM Stockholm Sun 2:00 AM
Buenos Aires Sat 10:00 PM Lima Sat 8:00 PM Suva Sun 1:00 PM
Cairo Sun 3:00 AM Lisbon Sun 1:00 AM Sydney * Sun 12:00 Noon
Canberra * Sun 12:00 Noon London Sun 1:00 AM Taipei Sun 9:00 AM
Cape Town Sun 3:00 AM Los Angeles * Sat 6:00 PM Tallinn Sun 3:00 AM
Caracas Sat 8:30 PM Madrid Sun 2:00 AM Tashkent Sun 6:00 AM
Casablanca Sun 1:00 AM Managua Sat 7:00 PM Tegucigalpa Sat 7:00 PM
Chatham Islands * Sun 2:45 PM Manila Sun 9:00 AM Tehran Sun 4:30 AM
Chicago * Sat 8:00 PM Melbourne * Sun 12:00 Noon Tokyo Sun 10:00 AM
Copenhagen Sun 2:00 AM Mexico City * Sat 8:00 PM Toronto * Sat 9:00 PM
Darwin Sun 10:30 AM Miami * Sat 9:00 PM Vancouver * Sat 6:00 PM
Denver * Sat 7:00 PM Minneapolis * Sat 8:00 PM Vienna Sun 2:00 AM
Detroit * Sat 9:00 PM Minsk Sun 3:00 AM Vladivostok Sun 11:00 AM
Dhaka * Sun 8:00 AM Montevideo * Sat 11:00 PM Warsaw Sun 2:00 AM
Dubai Sun 5:00 AM Montgomery * Sat 8:00 PM Washington DC * Sat 9:00 PM
Dublin Sun 1:00 AM Montreal * Sat 9:00 PM Winnipeg * Sat 8:00 PM
Edmonton * Sat 7:00 PM Moscow Sun 4:00 AM Yangon Sun 7:30 AM
Frankfurt Sun 2:00 AM Mumbai Sun 6:30 AM Zagreb Sun 2:00 AM
Geneva Sun 2:00 AM Nairobi Sun 4:00 AM Zürich Sun 2:00 AM

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