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Date Posted: 21:47:56 06/03/03 Tue
Author: Izzy, Andrea, and Blade (Bad Girl Team)
Subject: WOO HA!!!! THAT GOT 'IM!
In reply to: unknown and Anonymous 's message, "cool" on 09:48:30 06/03/03 Tue


Andrea: And may The Maker have mercy on your soul.

Blade: CHOO CHOO!!!! *chuga chuga chuga chuga* CHOO CHOO!!!!

Izzy: I'm too sexy for my shirt! So off goes the shirt...

Andrea: Sweet maker, heaven help us all...

Izzy: Y'all know what comes next, don't ya? I'm to sexy for my pants, (y'all know what comes next, don't ya? Eh?!) so off goes the--

Blade: *tackles Izzy* Oookay, that's enough for yoou. Ha ha, the other social workers just thought she was a scream.

Blade: Accent on "Scream".

Izzy: GO GO, POWER RANGERS! (does Power Ranger move) OCEAN RANGER, MORPH! *turns into a blue-black suited Power Ranger)

Andrea: *raises eyebrows* And they call me the Screw Up?

Izzy: Oh no! IT'S THE PSYCHO RANGERS! *karate-flips away from Appa, Unknown, Anonymous, Mel, and Melvin, the "Psycho Rangers"*

Andrea: Sad.

Blade: Yup.

Izzy: *backs away from Blade and Andrea* It's a trap... Astronema and Ecliptor! I'm outnumbered!

Andrea: Maybe we should humor her?

Blade: Whatever you say, Ecliptor.

Andrea: Ok, Astronema. Psycho Rangers! Bring the Power Ranger to me. Alive.

Izzy: This is gonna be grody. OCEAN PIKE, ENGAGE!!!! *pulls out a sword with blue blade* *turns to Appa, Mel, Anonymous, Unknown, and Melvin* Okay, Psycho Rangers. Bring it on! *does Power Ranger karate chop/show off thingy that they all do before kicking bad guy butts*

Blade: *whispers to Mel* She watched Power Rangers in Space this morning, and now she's hooked on to Power Rangers.

Izzy: Mostly Silver Ranger. HUBBA HUBBA!!!! I don't like Turbo Rangers. Too cornball. I only like Power Rangers in Space. Get it, got it? Good. *wink*

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