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Date Posted: 08:07:30 10/06/03 Mon
Author: Emon/D2/Juli/Storm
Subject: BAH!
In reply to: Chrome 's message, "lies" on 09:47:43 10/05/03 Sun

Izzy: *glances around, suspisciously* Do we tell him?
Blade: Nah... keep 'em guessin, that's what I always say.
Andrea: Let's tell him.
Izzy: What? Tell him that all these chars are being played by identicle trip--
Blade: *slaps hand over Izzy's mouth* Bad girl!
Andrea: *cackles*
Izzy: *turns into slippery blob of Doom*
Blade: Eeeewwww!
Anrea: Chrome, what Izzy didn't tell you, is that she is part of a set of Identical Triplets.
Izzy: *morphs back into human* Yup. I'm JJ, in real life, and I play Juli.
Andrea: I don't have an Alias, and I play Emon and D2.
Blade: My name's Sydney, and I play Storm. Although lately, JJ's been doing her posts for me cuz I'm sick. That's why Storm's been a lil' crazy (Timmy the Terryifing Tyrant of Tyrannosaurs, or something stupid like that)
Izzy: Hmph! It's Timmy the Terrible of the Terrifying Tyrannosaurs!
Blade: Whatever.
Izzy: And if Palpatine shows his wrinkled face ever again, Andrea's gonna be talkin' for him.
Andrea: *nods*
Izzy: Oh, and eh, Chrome? Is it alright if Juli sorta has a Romantic Interest in your char?
Andrea: eep! *hides*
Blade: Huh? Last time one of our chars did dat, he left!
Izzy: Chrome's more active than Adam was, and Storm isn't my char, so I don't have to worry about it. *smacks Blade*
Blade: Owwwww! *disappears*

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