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Subject: Re: Complete feminization of husbands

annette (happy)
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Date Posted: 06:13:00 02/25/14 Tue
In reply to: Jolene Douglas 's message, "Re: Complete feminization of husbands" on 09:05:11 02/20/14 Thu

I loved this story and agree. I wish this would happen to me.>Hi yes I was a husband who,s wife decided one day that
>I should become the woman,so her master mind plan did
>work in my favour,She did not know that I knew she was
>slipping into my foods a tiny pill called premarin,
>yes a female hormone,I seen some physcial changes
>inabout a week when my nipples became so sensitive,I
>told my wife, she said let me see, so I showed her,
>she said i have somethings tht will fix this, come
>into the bedroom, take off your shirt, so i did, and
>she said to close my eyes and put my arms in front of
>me, as though I was reaching for something,So I did,
>and she put my one rm through this strap and the next
>one, she said now put your arms down, and do not open
>your eyes until i say so,after a sec or two, she said
>now open, I laughed, said why am I wering one of your
>bras? your not, your wearing yours,, I do not have
>bras,, ohh maybe you should look into your dressing
>drawers. so i did, and all my male things were gone,
>all that is in there is femmine things, you are now
>and will become Elizabeth, you will dress 24/7 as a
>female, until your surgery, what surgery? To become a
>woman,LOl wait, do Inot have some say into what I
>want,, not any more, you are now going to understand
>how it feels to be femmine, which you took for granted
>it is so easy,.Well now you will see,Within a year of
>dressing and being femmine this felt so good, my boobs
>grew nicely, and we had all my facail hair removed and
>the rest sugared,,I lost my male image, and well that
>is ok,I Love being a woman, within the next few weeks
>i will be on the table becoming Elizabeth,so men do
>not fight this, enjoy this, being femmine was gods
>>>>I am Edita from Holland. I am looking for other
>>>>who have similar experiences as I have...
>>>>I will tell my story in short. 10 years ago, I got
>>>>married at the age of 23, my husband was 21. We were
>>>>expecting a child, and decided it was better to get
>>>>I have always been interested in feminine males, my
>>>>brother grew up as a sissy (he was the youngest and
>>>>only boy among five children in the family). I don't
>>>>remember him in pants...
>>>>After I got married I very quickly secured the
>>>>dominating position in our marriage for me. When my
>>>>husband graduated from college, he was not able to
>>>>find a job. I was successfully working in a computer
>>>>company at that time. So we agreed that he would
>>>>at home, taking care of the household and our
>>>>daughter. Pretty much that was the time I decided to
>>>>feminize my husband. I started out with female
>>>>underwear, continued via a few "dressing games"
>>>>he accepted to wear female clothing only. I then had
>>>>his body hair removed by laser treatment, had a few
>>>>corrective cosmetic surgeries, etc. In 2006 I had
>>>>started on hormones. Since 2007 (due to the hormones
>>>>he could not "perform" as a male anymore) he lives
>>>>completely as a woman.
>>>>To make a long story short, over the past 8 years,
>>>>husband has become a real woman, he had breast
>>>>augmentation in 2007 and he completed his journey
>>>>womanhood by having his Reassignment Surgery in July
>>>>I am very satisfied with my "work". Many people ask
>>>>why I had him completely demaled as that stopped any
>>>>male/female relationship. I did this because I just
>>>>felt better living with MtF TG rather than a
>>>>"crossdresser". After he got me pregnant, he had
>>>>fulfilled all of his male duties, that's all I
>>>>from him as a man.
>>>>We are staying married (which is possible here).
>>>>some early difficulties, my husband is a happy woman
>>>>now and has fully accepted his role in the family
>>>>obediently follows my instructions. Our daughter
>>>>understands the situation very well and has no
>>>>problems with it.
>>>>I only allow very feminine clothes for him to wear,
>>>>i.e. skirts must not be longer than three inches
>>>>the knee.
>>>>I would like to know, if there are more women here,
>>>>who have gone as far as we did. I would be
>>>>to hear about their lives.
>>>Dear Edita,
>>>Yours is certainly a very interesting story. I do
>>>have any direct personal knowledge of similar
>>>situations, but I have heard about a couple of them
>>>via correspondence. (btw, The other cases were also
>>>I do know of a few somewhat related
>>>of a fully feminised male-to-female spouse who became
>>>the stay-at-home wife of the genetically female
>>>spouse, and took care of the children also, like a
>>>traditional 'wife.'
>>>However, these cases did not involve a frankly
>>>dominant/submissive relationship. Instead, the male
>>>to female 'wife' had always wanted to make the gender
>>>transition, and the genetically female spouse was
>>>supportive of that.
>>>Besides these two cases, i also know of another case
>>>like these, except that the transformation did not
>>>include SRS (but was complete in all other respects.)
>>>I hope that both you and your transformed spouse are
>>>very happy with your new situation and with your

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