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Subject: Re: Complete feminization of husbands--for Edita

annette (happy)
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Date Posted: 06:34:54 02/25/14 Tue
In reply to: Edita 's message, "Re: Complete feminization of husbands--for Edita" on 07:57:27 03/10/12 Sat

I wish this would happen to me. >Thank you! It has been over a year since I first
>posted this message.
>I have to say that not many women go as far as I did
>with my husband.
>However, here in the Netherlands and in most parts of
>Europe, feminization and transgenderism is viewed
>quite different that in the rest of the world.
>In the meantime I have met three other ladies (one
>from Germany, one from Sweden and one from the U.K.)
>who completely feminized their husbands and / or sons.
>Our group of four have now started to offer assistance
>to wifes and mothers who are interested in feminizing
>their husbands and sons. We help them with all issues
>(legal, health, etc.).
>Currently we support two mothers in Germany who want
>their sons feminized. In one case, the boy is 12, in
>the other (more complicated) case, the boy is almost
>The 12 year old is on a good way and due to the German
>laws we could already have him added on a list
>officially receiving puberty blocking hormones. He
>also receives mild female hormones which have changed
>his look quite a bit.
>In the second case, the mother is facing harsh
>opposition from the boy's father and greatparents. The
>boy himself has almost given up all resistance and has
>become quite a presentable girl. However, there will
>be court proceedings and we have to wait for the
>outcome. In the meantime we are trying our best to
>feminize the boy to an extent that no court would
>order him to go back to live as a boy. Unfortunately a
>court has decided that no hormones must be
>administered until a final ruling has been made.
>So we are working around hormones. Luckily he has
>started to grow breasts and we hope that they grow a
>bit larger until the next court hearing in April.
>Currently we are also in contact with a lady from the
>U.K. who wishes to feminize her husband. Actually he
>has agreed to be feminzed but does not wish a SRS.
>However that's what his wifes wants. So we are working
>on him "to go all the way". I have met him once and he
>will give in sooner or later. He will have his SRS, I
>am postive.

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Re: Complete feminization of husbands--for Editaphelecia09:00:04 05/09/15 Sat

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