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Subject: Re: Dominant mother deferring son's puberty

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Date Posted: 06:10:16 07/27/16 Wed
In reply to: Malcolm 's message, "Dominant mother deferring son's puberty" on 05:40:00 07/06/16 Wed

I'd love to read the article; it is certainly getting more common to do as you have described. The 17 year old, if he was given meds that reduced his testosterone to near-zero at or just before 12, would likely end up as you said; boys in this situation do not really "grow up" in the classical sense for a while longer. He's still very much a little boy: emotionally (he is likely quite dependent on his Mom), physically (It is indeed likely that he still looks like a little guy going into 7th grade), and sexually. If treated at that age the child really doesn't much notice the effects, because essentially, most things stay the same. His erections just fade away into memory, and sexual interests just fade away, almost un-noticed. It's very good for children to delay puberty. If our graduation classes from high school comprised of, basically, what appear to be little boys, they could THEN be let to grow up and mature into far superior men a few years later.

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