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Subject: Older feminized butler

Jon Edwards (Thrilled at Opportunities)
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Date Posted: 19:08:21 11/18/17 Sat

To Serve as a feminized butler/servant. By April of 2018, I'll have no family ties. I've lived through some exceptionally challenging times; a respected Houston physician once remarked that he was surprised that I am still alive (auto accident) YES, I have a few scars; but I never gave up; and I'm excited to try new experiences. I am by no means perfect;. and, at age 64, 95% of my hair is still it's original color. I am likely not passable in a public environment. Still, this leads me to explore and OFFER a tradeoff for a feminization opportunity. If there is an unattached female who would enjoy the services of a feminized servant, such as a ... feminized butler, I'd love the opportunity to be considered for such a position; I'm willing to engage in a trial period; or to periodically serve for a week or two at a time, as needed. My preference is the Houston,Texas area; or within 50 miles of this location. I will accept a woman as the dominant individual, with absolute control. I find activities with outfits that include locked collars, ankle chains, chastity devices and items of like nature "a compelling reason to maintain an ever joyful, positive attitude." I'd love to be exposed to such a lifestyle; a satin wardrobe is especially compelling. I have one consideration, above all else: safety. I trust that a woman's wisdom would already take this into consideration.

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