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Subject: Re: Japan's Genderless Culture

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Date Posted: 00:51:37 05/02/18 Wed
In reply to: Patti 's message, "Japan's Genderless Culture" on 15:17:29 02/22/18 Thu

Have a sister who is raising a son while teaching in Japan.

They've lived there for 6 years, so her 10 year old son speaks the language fluently, and he goes to a progressive school in Tokyo.

He (and his little boy-friends) are quite very much encouraged to be gender-neutral, just like you are talking of, Patti. They wear tights (usually white) for gym class with sneakers and T-shirts, and while Tommy doesn't wear skirts to school, he does wear neat little flare-legged shorts that look very pretty with solid-color pantyhose or tights when the weather is chilly. He plays soccer and is on the boys cheer squads for the other teams. At home, he and his friends are frequently encouraged to have girl-weekends; they have second closets, usually in the guest room, with their girl-time clothes. Other days they happily spend as fairly typical boys, but even then they are probably wearing cute patterned knee-socks, or a sparkly cap-sleeved shirt.

Many of these boys really seem to just flitter and dance right between the sexes. It's just lovely to see.

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