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Subject: Submission to the woman

Markfem (Ecstatic)
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Date Posted: 17:26:52 08/16/18 Thu

This seems to be the new normal. That it is for the man to do the housework. To sleep in the curlers. To be the one who has to be up at 3:00 a.m. to do his makeup 💄 for the woman to be pleased. To do housework all day but has to look great for her now looking perfect with the drink in hand and dinner in the oven and the home sparkling. Now we are being made to wear the corsets, the high heels, plucking our eyebrows and enduring the pain that goes with it to please the woman. And to meet her expectations in appearance, deportment and willingness to even after our now 15 hour day. To please her as she wishes no matter how tired, in pain we are it is now my turn to please and serve.I have very little issue with any of this. To be a product of a strong and determined woman to demale me. Make me a sissy and reduce me to pissing my panties when I forget to do something she told me and she gets angry with me. Yeah I will submit to this humiliation. If that is what makes the modern day woman happy. To have a fulfilling relationship and a happy one. Then I say yes. Now I suppose it's your turn when I have to spend hours doing for you to get everything done the way you told me to you can find fault. Love you Ladies.

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Re: Submission to the womanMarkfem (Hopeful)15:58:42 08/18/18 Sat

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