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Subject: Re: Assertive Women - Feminized Men & Radical Feminists

Markfem (Hopeful)
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Date Posted: 15:57:19 08/18/18 Sat
In reply to: Markfem 's message, "Assertive Women - Feminized Men & Radical Feminists" on 18:53:18 08/16/18 Thu

>Hello ladies. I have been doing some extensive reading
>on what seems to be the new normal RADICAL FEMINISM.
>Some men such as myself had to take a step back to
>understand your perspective. I am single now and
>realize by what I have been reading how selfish I was.
>I would ask my wife to wear a corset for my pleasure.
>She would tell me it was painful to do housework in
>it. Or wear those "sexy high heels" because they hurt.
>Or she didn't have her makeup and hair done to be
>ready to go out when I got home and I was angered. Or
>I didn't like the dress she had on and she would
>change it just to keep me happy. I read how Radical
>Feminists feel and I am filled with guilt at having
>done that too her. So I guess as they say I am ready
>to accept my future if one of you Ladies will have me.
>So I will be the one to get up 3 hour's before you do
>to have my hair. My make-up done to look the way you
>want me too. Dressed exactly as you want me to be. Too
>sleep in a painful corset with rollers in my hair. Too
>have meals prepared, the home spotless. Too look
>perfect for you. To accept demaled, humiliated for no
>reason, too be turned into a sissy. Waiting on you and
>your friends so you won't get upset with me for not
>being the perfect hostess. To clean up and wait on
>you. I feel now this would be a proper justice for me.
>I am here. I will do as I am told. And now I am
>waiting for one of you great ladies to decide if you
>want me. I will submit to you a 100% and will be a
>good wife and mate.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Assertive Women - Feminized Men & Radical FeministsSteffie wannabe wife10:50:01 10/17/18 Wed

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