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Subject: Love to try on dresses and lingerie in shops

Laura R (Feeling feminine)
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Date Posted: 07:44:18 04/12/19 Fri
In reply to: Chris 's message, "Looking to become a fulltime escort" on 18:26:43 02/16/19 Sat

I love to go shopping for dresses and lingerie in department stores and especially in small women’s shops and talk with friendly, helpful sales girls. I ask them about materials and sizes, showing them how interested I am in pretty, feminine clothing. Whenever I get an encouraging response, then I ask if I can try on the clothing, telling them how lovely and feminine a particular dress or nightie is.

More and more, especially the past few years they are very sweet and assist me by checking with their manager first or just directly show me to the women’s dressing rooms to try outfits on. I talk very girlishly and tell them how much I like the most feminine items, hoping they will fit me.

Once, at Victoria’s Secret, I asked about a silky nightie and a satin bra, and the very cute salesgirl kept bringing in several more lovely items for me to try, as I was trying on and wearing very feminine nighties. She even brought me several panties to try on; she didn’t tell me but the sign in the pink dressing room reminded all women “to try on panties and bathing suits over your panties“. Just reading that sign next to the mirror was so exciting for me to see that I was in such a feminine place, trying on such lovely things as a woman! It was wonderful wearing pretty nightgowns as she brought more and more feminine lingerie in for me to try; I loved for her to see me wearing the items I tried on more than once. What a feminine experience!

Recently I shopped at a high-end woman’s boutique and browsed through some beautiful designer dresses. The salesgirl was super friendly and could tell how much I liked their clothes. She offered to see if they had more larger-sized dresses in the back - and that she’d bring them out if I’d like to try them on in their only dressing room - she knew I would like that without me having to ask if I could! She brought several lovely dresses in while I had on a pretty dress, and could see I was wearing a bra and silky black pantyhose. She then came back with four types of women’s shoes to try with the dresses. When we were done, she wrote down my email address and told me she’ll look out for more dresses that she knows I’d like so I can try those on too. Her manager even came over and suggested some online sites where I could get pretty shoes in my size. What a wonderful experience being assisted by two sweet ladies who were so completely understanding of my feminine desires!

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Re: Love to try on dresses and lingerie in shopsPaula (spouse house)12:52:34 09/01/19 Sun

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