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Subject: Re: Relationships Really Are Changing

Steffie wannabe wife (Jealous)
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Date Posted: 23:50:04 05/17/19 Fri
In reply to: sissy cindy lynn 's message, "Relationships Really Are Changing" on 17:42:46 10/30/11 Sun

>I recently had a conversation with my god-daughter. We
>had not spoken in a while. She was excited to tell me
>she is doing well in her nursing career and she is now
>studying hard to pass an exam to get into medical
>She also was happy to tell me her bf is now doing well
>as she has him enrolled in to cooking school, where he
>is now doing well and hoping to get hired somewhere.
>So let's take this a few steps down the road and into
>the future. She's a well respected and competent
>doctor, healing people, and he's cooking a serving
>meals. Sure sounds like a role reveral marriage to me.
>Can anyone doubt who will be and is wearing the pants?
>And who will be wearing the panties and dresses at
>home, looking pretty and being her submissive wife, in
>whatever way pleases her most?
>Who will be the obvious primary bread winner and who
>will be doing the housework? Who will be the one who
>calls the shots and who follows the orders?
>Further, she's the one who decided he needed to make
>something of himself and decided on his going to
>cooking school, as he was too unmotivated and lacked
>direction until she took charge.
Omg I am so jealous I would love this life my hard working women would need a good male wife doing all the roles in her home cooking cleaning every thing spotless finding time to be prim and properly dressed and makeup when she came home even when shes late maybe been out with the girls she can be a bit more! Demanding after a night out hey I did promise to obey when we married

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