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Subject: Re: Complete feminization of husbands

Carolisa (confused?)
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Date Posted: 05:39:15 10/03/11 Mon
In reply to: Feb 's message, "Re: Complete feminization of husbands" on 00:59:24 01/31/11 Mon

My wife got a promotion a couple of months ago and one of the group of managers made a pass at her and she succumbed to his advances. They have a big sexual attraction to each other, since I have not been a good performer in the bedroom. She has always been very passionate and my inability to please her had become an issue. She has grown concerned about this relationship affecting our marriage and has come up with the idea of my becoming her stay at home housewife. The idea appeals to me since I have always made less money than her and I am a bit passive. She has started by my wearing panties and sleeping in nightgowns. Her vision has me very excited since, secretly , I have always loved feminine things and activities. I am very nervous about others discovering my desires and have told her so. She told me she told Henry, her new friend, that I was a sissy and wanted to become her wife. I am mortified , but very excited. My wife has bought me a full wardrobe of lingerie and at the same time has disposed of all my male underthings. I now wear bras, panties and camisoles exclusively. One of the girls in my secretarial pool noticed a bra strap and told me I need to disguise my bra a little better. She hugged me and told me, "it's okay sweetie, I love feminine men!" I cried and told her my story, she agreed Henry, was a hunk and understood why my wife had fallen for him. she told me, she always thought I was a bit effeminate and now considers me to be one of the girls. She is helping me with my mannerism (the way I sit and walk and talk). She asked to come over to help my wife make me a more feminine lady. I am very happy yet apprehensive, since I found myself telling her and my wife how attractive and handsome Henry is. I feel myself turning gay and that scares me. I am very excited about becoming a delicate lady, but I had not even thought of having a man as a sexual partner. I have progressed to the point that Maddie and my wife and I have gone to the mall shopping as three women and now they want to go to a lounge for drinks. One of my wife's close friends is a nurse and suggested I begin hormone therapy to physically feminize my body ( more curves, and increased breast size). Maddie and my wife think I would love the way it would fill out my bra and my skirts would look better. This is a bit overwhelming and dressing as and being a woman is very fulfilling, I am petrified of going to bed with a man, although the idea has a certain allure to it

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Re: Complete feminization of husbandsErika (Overjoyed)16:23:45 04/11/20 Sat

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