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Subject: Re: Success Story

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Date Posted: 11:43:35 02/29/12 Wed
In reply to: Patti 's message, "Re: Success Story" on 07:09:30 02/13/12 Mon

>Hi Dora!
> Male Femininity is Growing! It is Wonderful that
>Christina is the one leading the way for Craig to be
>in touch with his Femininity. All Women need to
>realize that their lives as well as their boyfriends,
>husband's or son's lives will be Better when men and
>Boys realize the great Benefits of Male Femininity.
>women are taking over in many areas of our Society,
>and many women already are realiziing that they need
>Male Wives. I know of several friends that live this
>Lifestyle, and they are the Happiest they have ever
>been in their klives...now that they have given up
>their Macho Personnas. Your son will make his Fiance
>a Wonderful Wife someday. I wish you All the luck in
>the world!
> By the way...Does Christina have a feminine Man of
>her own to perhaps be her Future Wife?

Yes as a matter of fact Christina has always taken the lead in her relationships. She has no steady right now and is in her final year of college but the boys I've met were all kept in strict obedience.

On another note, I have to admit that once I saw the benefits I was fully on board with turning my son into a obedient sissy. He was terrible and it got to the point that I didn't even like him all that much. You can see that his cousins and aunt felt the same way. If there was even a little bit of sympathy for him the reaction at my sisters house surely would have been different. They certainly never had any mercy on him the many times over the years they had a chance.

His acceptance of his new role in life wasn't as quick as my first note implied, but eventually the sissy won.

I think Christina's imaginative treatment saved the world from a rotten person. He really has turned out quite sweet.


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