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Subject: Re: Complete feminization of husbands--for Edita

Mrs Joanie B
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Date Posted: 03:42:08 05/02/13 Thu
In reply to: MaggieD 's message, "Re: Complete feminization of husbands--for Edita" on 09:31:16 06/26/12 Tue

Maggie, I do very much agree with you about the occurrences of the Dom/sub roles here. Noticing that the title to this forum is "Independent Women of the 21st Century". I don't know where this genre comes in specifically, as I believe independence is not the same as reversing the antiquated patriarchal system into a purely matriarchal system. I do believe though that an element of this is required to perpetuate the much needed reality that we are all independent individuals whom in a group must understand that there are many kinds of relationships. And many kinds of people to fit into those relationships.
Like you, I am the typical feminine "house wife", (born male of course) who was never happy in a male role and has naturally and pleasurably moved towards what I believe is my comfort zone in the form of a typical stay at home wife/mother. I care take and nurture the needs of my professional female "husband". Our children have since grown, but it is me who does all of those things necessary in a post children home with the off spring that we sent out into the world. You know birthday cards, planning functions with their wives. This allows Dee, my "husband" to be free to pursue her own business which she has done quite will with. I can not even imagine her in my role, and I know I could never be in hers. Though I'd wished this lifestyle had found me years ago, I'm very fortunate that I have been in it for the past 13 we both have never been happier.
Those who find their niche' and their partners in that niche' come in many flavors. If it works for them great! They should spread their passions for it as it will give the world many more options.

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Re: Complete feminization of husbands--for EditaStevie11:21:01 02/17/16 Wed

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