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Subject: Out of all this, an interesting statement

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Date Posted: 04/11/07 7:20am
In reply to: QUITTNER 's message, "Ignore the many versions of Christianity not by Jesus" on 03/30/07 1:48pm

>The only version of Christianity that has been
>authorized by Jesus is the FIRST one. Ignore all other
>versions, and all the stuff that was added after the
>crucifixion of Jesus.

Out of all the gibberish about Mike Warnke, QUITTNER actually comes up with a statement worth discussing.

I've heard some Christians say that the only religious text they accept is the four gospels. Others go further and assert that the only text they accept are the "red letter" words attributed to Christ himself.

No doubt what you're getting at here is that even the gospels and the rest of the New Testament books were written some time after the death of Christ and are therefore unreliable.

The problem with all of these positions is the assumption that God inspired people to write religious text for the several thousand years leading up to the time of Christ, and then, for some reason, just stopped. He's not speaking anymore. Perhaps we actually killed Him when we crucified Christ?

BTW, I've never met Mike Warnke and thus am in no position to judge his sincerity.

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Modern InspirationBen04/11/07 6:06pm

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