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Wednesday, February 05, 01:10:21pmLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678[9]10 ]
Subject: The box is falling, the box is falling!

Chicken little......(aka P.)
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Date Posted: 02/22/02 10:11pm
In reply to: Damoclese 's message, "Boxing" on 02/22/02 8:47pm

>Not everyone lives inside any box. Some are dead
>within it.

Fine. Everyone lived or lives inside the box!

>>>If (logic) is the inside of the box, therein you must
>>>reside for pragmatic reasons while on earth.
>My feeling is that all thought must neccessarily
>originate within logical concepts, though they may not
>be sound ones. In fact, many delusional people build
>worlds on one premise, but an unsound one.

Logic argument ruled in your favour. (though I feel you implied "sound" logic)

>Perhaps "shackled" would be a better idea. Not all
>ideas are logical. How can it be one o'clock and two
>o'clock in the same given instant on the planet earth?
>Logic doesn't permit this. Relativism does.

First, you state, ">My feeling is that all thought must necessarily originate within logical concepts.." . I know you are referring to "logical ideas" on one hand; "origin of thought" in the post directly above, on the other hand; but this reference to "logical concepts" .....hmmmm,.....and you state that delusional people can "think" or "build" worlds on one premise (though perhaps an unsound one) ....hmmmm, I'm sensing a slight "misconception": isn't the delusional person's original thought or idea "NOT" based on logic and thus "all thought must "NOT" necessarily originate within logical concepts.."?

>Agreed, Einstein was an original thinker, but he built
>on foundations grounded in logic; observations based
>in nature, the real world, or for argument's sake,
>"the box". His equations were built on assumptions,
>allbeit assumptions he was not sure were correct. The
>math validated his notions of what he had seen in "the

But I assert that his thinking is "outside" the box. He is a mutation. I also assert that you are having difficulty thinking outside the box. I also assert that I use the word assert too often! (mental note: find a synonym!)

(first 2 words deleted for obvious reasons!!)
....you have applied a "scale" to thought that is
>>unnecessary and not resonable to the advancement of
>>thought inside the box.
>I'm not sure what you mean. Perhaps you should show me
>where my scale is, and by scale, I presume you mean
>measurement. Correct me if I'm wrong.

A scale to thought refers to the notion that "delusional" is at one end of the scale and "short sightedness" is at the other. This is subjective labelling.
Furthermore, it applies to those "inside" the box. I rule you may apply the scale to those, 'dead' or alive, IN the box, but not to those capable of thinking outside the box.

>Perhaps, how would I ever know what I could find in or
>out of the box with certainty if I exist within it?

You would know if you were capable of thinking outside the box. Remember, nothing exists outside the box.

>>....are these individuals delusional or short sighted or
>>neither, considering the metaphoric box?
>I'd say they must necessarily be both, or they'd be
>dead. Disobey the logical reasons for not jumping off
>a cliff, and when you hit the bottom you'll be in for
>a surprise.

I sincerely appreciate your analogies! I trust you are enjoying the different nature of this thread or just curious.....maybe both?

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