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Subject: Black and white

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Date Posted: 12/23/02 3:57pm
In reply to: mredd 's message, "Right vs left" on 12/23/02 3:53am

>To coin a very unoriginal phrase. What the f**k does
>this have to do with the price of tea in China. Are
>you in favor of abortion or not. No hair needs to
>enter the picture unless it is of the pubic variety.

I assume you didn't read the threads that have built to this one. The original question was can abortion be ethically justified. I offered a reason by which I think it can, namely the lack of human life being sacred. Now, suppose I stopped by your hospital where you work on the night shift, and suppose you were having a conversation about bedpans in relation to the Heart Attack Ward. Now, imagine that I rather cavalierly jump in and eagerly assert "What the hell does this have to do with anything?" without first a) invested the time to make sure I understood what was going on and b) heard all the relevant information before I engauged my mouth. I'm inclined to think you'd be a bit irritated about my intrusion in which I only spent five minutes pissing on your conversation to which you have invested at least 15.

>Ever felt a little one kick in your womb? Ever given
>birth to a child. Ever been unmarried and pregnant.
>Been all of the above.

No, I haven't. Have you ever had a male member permanetly situated between your legs? Ever have to shave your beard every morning? Ever written your name in the snow? I have, but I don't consider myself an expert on any of them because I've experienced it.

>If you jerk off do you let your left hand know what
>the right one is doing, or do you really care.

As it would take an effort on the part of both hands, I wouldn't have a choice. Do you ever let your brain regulate what is about to come out of your mouth or do you care?


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