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Subject: sharp edge

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Date Posted: 01/27/03 3:28am
In reply to: ozboy 's message, "A sharp edge" on 01/14/03 9:41am

>from Damoclese: I guess then, the real question
>essentially boils down to what is deranged enough for
>us to consider it truly deranged? How crazy is crazy?
>The line is difficult to draw.
>>>> I think the declaration on Human Rights by the UN
>is a good place to start....
>... surely any delusion cannot be true to the real
>human condition.
>Many things create derision ... but if that derision
>causes the death of people, all rights should be



Long time no say. So how are things down under. AC/DC still rules. The Camaro I am sorry to say bit the proverbial and literal brick wall. Have a sweet little replacement along the lines of a 69 Mustang with a Eddlebrock carbeurator and a 9 in rear end with a 350 and a four in the floor.

Sharp edge,easy, my scalpel above your sac. No scalpel in the real world. Just too many 70 year old sons trying to keep 90 year old fathers alive. Too many drugs and needles for those who don't want them and too few for those who do.

In Christ(in memory of Jorge)


In Christ for real if it's your bag.

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