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Subject: why i am an irresponsible moron

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Date Posted: 01/28/03 1:43pm
In reply to: mredd 's message, "Dear huggy," on 01/27/03 3:37am

Dear duh,

No form of anything is 100% preventitive.
Perhaps, if you stay in your bed and never leave the house, you will be unharmed. However, someone might break in, a tornado or other natural disaster might occur, ripping you from your bed sheets, and impregnating you with flying sperm.

You have no guarantee that you won't slip in the shower, that you won't walk across the street and get hit by a bus, and die, or that you yourself will cause some sort of calamity.

You can very easily accidentally hit someone with your car, another car, or run over an animal. You don't have 100% guarantee that your car brakes won't fail, that your pilot isn't drunk and won't crash, or that you decide to open the door to your apartment and some stranger comes in and rapes you.

You aren't 100% or even 99% sure that when you feed your children eggs or chicken or turkey, they aren't breeding listeria or salmonella or e coli and you're poisoning them.

The truth is, people do things which are risky behaviors.
Sex is one of these behaviors. However, humans have a biological, social, and emotional urge to have sexual relations with other humans. Christians tend to moralize and criminalize this behavior as a bad thing. They don't want to grasp that sex is not immoral, amoral, or a sin.

Some of us like to joke about sex, because sharing physical and emotional intimacy with another person is just the type of thing to make a Christian's skin crawl. Pleasure in a Christian mind, is a sin.

A deadly sin. Like eating too much sleeping too long or partying too hard.

Sex is something MILLIONS of people in the world have. It is what you, and everyone else around you wants. That's why there are BILLIONS of people populating earth. That's why the earth is OVERPOPULATED and countries that don't have birth control options breed and die, breed and die. They have babies they don't and can't feed. Ever hear of those starving people in Ethiopia?

Those people are real.

And to disparage people for following their nature in having sex is a typical thing to shout while trotting along on the moral high horse named Any Christian. And not only do you disparage people who want to have sex, you disparage people who ARE taking control of their lives by using birth control such as condoms, birth control pills, shots, or abortion to prevent pregnancy.
You must let a zygote form in your body until it becomes a fetus, until it is born out 9 months later. You shouldn't have spread your legs! And abortion is MURDER! Please take responsibility and be punished for being sinful, slutty, immoral, and irreligious.

If you want sex you're dirty and horny, if you have sex you're immoral and slutty, not to mention irresponsible.

After all, Christians have a monopoly on morality, and morality includes denying healthy sexual relationships. It denies protecting yourself from pregnancy. It denies having human intimacy with anyone who you aren't committed to for life without a legal document which can hold up in court.
Stamp. You are now free to fuck! Here's your fucking license!
Spreading your legs is now morally acceptable, and approved by Jesus Christ himself!

A lot of people DO NOT want to get married. And this is also, to Christians, a sin.
Do not have sex unless you are married, that way when you get pregnant it will be morally acceptable to other Christians. You won't have to worry about what other people think.

Guess what. You condemn people who are responsible. I have sex. I also use condoms, which are 99% effective, and birth control, which is 99% effective. So I won't be getting pregnant any time soon.
If I do, knock on wood, I have a possibility of taking care of a child, I'm middle class. Millions of people DO NOT have the means to take care of an unplanned or unwanted child, and you Christians again condemn people, this time based on their poorness.

So let's recap: you can't have sex unless you're married and Christian, and poor people can't spread their legs because it's dangerous.

How many things do you do that protect you 99% from what you don't want to happen.

It is pretty fucking obvious to most involved that sexual intercourse between a man and a woman without some sort of preventitive measure can yield a sperm combining with an egg. Thanks for the reminder. The whole point of my post about condoms breaking and potentially letting sperm into my eggs was a plea to have a righteous Christian explain to me how pregnancy occurs.

The point was, which apparently got ignored, and repeated by you mredd, is exactly what you fucking said. It isn't 100% effective.
I took a cautionary method. I used a condom. The condom broke. Luckily it was early so we replaced the condom. Duh.

The difference between what I say and what you say, is that nothing should be done without it being 100% safe.

I think that people who are knowingly doing something that is 99% safe is morally acceptable. I really feel sad that I have to lower my standards to 99%.

I'm very horny, right now. I can't wait to have sex again, with condoms and my birth control pills. Because I don't think before I spread my legs, I just let some satan worshipper come fuck me senseless, and then I go have an abortion because I am a brainless drone unaware of Jesus.


P.S. Has anyone seen my brain cells? I think they all got fucked out of my brain.

>Dear huggy,
>Here's a real fucking clue and from a Christian,
>THINK before you spread your legs. No form of birth
>control is 100 percent. If you aren't prepared to deal
>with the outcome of your horniness, jerk off.
>Kids don't abuse you but parents with unwanted
>children do often abuse their off spring. Think real
>hard before you share the sweetmeat. Think real hard
>before you engage in any more sexual activities
>altogether. Obviously you lose too many brain cells
>this way.

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Will huggy burn in hell.....ozboy01/29/03 8:41am

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