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Saturday, March 15, 06:00:32amLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678[9]10 ]
Subject: After seeing who those astronauts were, it is no surprise their shuttle blew up

Vera Carp
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Date Posted: 02/ 2/03 6:04pm

You had on one space shuttle a JEW that was not only an unrepentant Jew, but an Israeli, a woman HINDU from India, AND a COLORED man. If that isn’t bad enough, the fourth member of the crew was a 42 year old “unmarried former circus acrobat”. Now some would say a 42 year old unmarried acrobat is simply code word for flaming homosexualist…. I say whether he had actually known ANOTHER man or not in that way was inconsequential… it was virtually assured that a man that limber who was both a contortionist and unmarried would have ventured into a particularly grievous area of sin blending the worst of both Onanism and Homosexualism. If you don’t know what I am talking about, Thank the Lord for that mercy!!…. I can picture it as I type this and it makes me absolutely sick to my stomach, I will tell you.

Now given that the Lord would have looked at that crew and saw that at least four of the seven member crew was hell-bound for sure, it is no wonder he felt compelled to simply blow them out of the sky, least they inadvertently land in heaven.

It is too bad about the three white members of the crew who were not either Jews or Homos (that we know of) but, you know, sometimes the innocent are punished along with the guilty. I know, because one of those tiles from the Space Shuttle fell on my 1989 Lincoln Town Car parked out back and busted the glass moon roof out of it. Thank God for insurance! PRAISE!


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Subject Author Date
Shut your holeBen02/ 2/03 7:02pm
After seeing who those astronauts were, it is no surprise their shuttle blew upozboy02/16/03 8:37am
Oh BoySam3503/28/03 11:25pm

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