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Subject: Upcoming 2-Part Chat Event: Iraq

Vera Carp
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Date Posted: 02/ 3/03 2:43am

Please join us for a very important two part chat event on the situation in Iraq. We will have a frank debate on the Bush administration's policies and possible war.

Monday, February 3rd, 6:30 EST (midnight GMT): We will debate the best diplomatic approach to avoiding war. We will explore the administration's position and contrast it to French/German appeasement of Saddam Hussein. In addition, we will discuss the questionable motivations behind the so-called "peace movement". Please join us for this frank and open debate.

Tuesday, February 4th, 6:30 EST: In part two, we will discuss possible military action. Theologians have often debated a "just war". We will discuss the justification and strategy for this war. All respectful viewpoints will be welcome as we use this possible conflict as an example of a just war.

To join visit True Christians Unite forum site at http://pub49.ezboard.com/ftruechristiansunitefrm1


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NOW I remember where I saw youMad / Thorn02/ 4/03 5:09am

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