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Date Posted: 02/16/03 10:17am

God's Law is Clear - The penalty is severe - because Vera Carp is queer

If you want to be yourself, be yourself. Quit going around trying to rile people up with all this fake racist crap.

We don't really believe you, for one thing, and secondly, you ought to know you look ridiculous.

If you really think someone is less human because their skin color has adapted over thousands of years to the type of climate they are in, then you REALLY REALLY need to get a life that doesn't involve all this nonsense.

We're not riled up, just mildly annoyed that you would waste our time with this fake bullcrap.

Oh no a racist! Whatever will I do! I'm so scared! How could I argue with their "my color of skin is clearly superior according to Jesus Christ" argument!!

Maybe the jew-run media will come help me shut you up!!!

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