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Friday, March 14, 07:07:18amLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678[9]10 ]
Subject: My impression of Huggy

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Date Posted: 03/ 6/03 3:00am
In reply to: huggypajamas 's message, "impression of mredd" on 02/10/03 8:56am

>This is my impression of mredd, going all the way back
>to Fall/Winter 2001.
>"No huggy, you don't know anything about Central and
>South America because I'm a NURSE. Obviously those
>poor peasants will accept Western Medicine and Birth
>Control even though you have evidence that they don't
>and won't!"
No Huggy, maybe you haven't been to the country and picked leeches off of your little thin chicken white legs. Maybe you haven't seen the evidence of starvation or preventable illnesses killing five year olds up close. I have. rubber machines don't abound in the tropics.
>"Man, my job as a nurse sure is hard! I see sick
>people all day!"
Walk a day in the ER and wade thorugh blood and shit and gore. I am a Nurse Practitioner. I can see patients on my own and prescribe medications. Ever seen a gunshot wound to the abdomen. Saw two last night. Ever seen a 5 year old die of a gnshot wound. Try it once. Wrap your dick real tight little man. You will puke it up.

>"Man, being a nurse is the hardest thing in the world.
>Harder than rocket science. Harder than neuroscience.
Actually I know quite a bit about neurosscience after 17 graduate hours in related fields. Care to discuss the transmission of seratoins across the neurotransitter synapse or he cerebral effects of a stroke. How about the differentiation of decortiate vs,decerebate posturing.
I save lives. Saw third degree heart blok on the monitor yesterday during lunch. The patient lived. My call, my save. So how was your Whopper.
>>"You know what? I know everything. I went to nursing
>school! We learned about antibiotics and that people
>die and stuff. Wah wah wah."
Cry me a fucking river. I do every day.
>"I'm a Christian and anything you do that I don't
>approve of is a SIN. Having sex is a SIN. Killing
>babies is a sin! Yes! They are babies! Even though
>they are forms less than a month old! Women shouldn't
>have control of their bodies because they are SLUTS
Who said sex was a sin. It is is a responsibility much like drinking or driving a car. Obviously you are not capable of such things. I was an unwed teen aged mother. I am not a slut but I did not use birth control. I am not opposed to abortion except as a means of birth control. Take the morining after pill, put on a rubber , tie a knot in your dick (or in your specific case, cut it off--one of you is plenty.) Better yet BUY YOUR SELF A BAR OF SOAP AND JERK OFF JERK.

>"Man my job is so hard. Some days I have to drive home
>in my sports car after I saw sick people all day and
>my husband wants dinner. Blah blah sports car."
>"Sick people are sick. I HAVE THE HARDEST JOB IN THE
>WORLD. All of you are stupid. Especially huggy. What a
>male slut huggy is."
>"You know what's hard? Nursing is. I have to tell
>people with high blood pressure not to have babies,
>since they will die. But all the 8 year old children,
>women who were raped, and teenage girls whose
>boyfriends got in their pants can't have abortions
>"Man, I have the most responsibility and the hardest
>job in the world. Sometimes I see 12 patients a day.
>Damn. No one in the world knows what I go through.
>Those morons."
>"geeze huggy. you ought to use condoms or not fuck at
>all. MORON. 99% effectiveness against pregnancy is
>just too big a risk to take, you stupid irresponsible
>jerk. by the way, you'll be burning in hell because my
>2,000 year old religious text says Jesus hates sinners
>who fuck the way you do. Afterall, if Paul the Apostle
>wrote it, it's clearly the divine hand of God. Amen."
>ad infinitum

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