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Saturday, March 15, 06:36:07pmLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678[9]10 ]
Subject: retardos in school & chair people

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Date Posted: 05/ 8/03 5:13pm

I would like to point out a few things. First of all, Christopher Reeve is pretty useless. The only reason we know about him is because he was a second-rate actor. The reason he broke his back is because he was an incompetent horse back rider who got his hands tangled in the reins.

For those of you don't know, those are the leather straps that go from the bit in the horse's mouth to your hands. He must have had his reins tangled pretty good in there for him to fuck up and fall the way he did.

That being said, the only reason he gets so much funding is because celebrities embrace him and he was on barbara wa-wa. A bunch of broke ass people who had similar accidents aren't almost walking, the way he is.

As for the drooling retards in wheelchairs who contribute to society, what the hell are they doing that helps anyone?

My sister was a substitute school teacher and worked with the kids in wheelchairs. Basically what they did was sit in their wheelchair, drool all over the place, and hit the number 2 on the keyboard. They had less capability than a 5 year old.

These same people who drool all day get to graduate from high school because they attended. They don't know English, algebra, calculus, world geography, biology, chemistry, world history, athletics, art, music, theater, geometry, or any of the other typical classes offered in high school.

So basically they ride the bus to school and drool all day, and get a diploma. Then at the ceremony everyone claps.

Yet people who fail one class, by say a 69 out of 100 don't get to graduate. They end up working at McDonald's or some crappy retail job because they fucked up school and school fucked them over.

These people who get 69 out of 100 are a lot more worthwhile to society than a drooling 150 lb baby.

Now I wouldn't say this applies across the board to all people with disabilities, who drool, or have to sit in a wheelchair. There are wheelchair people at my university, and people who have various disabilities of all kind physical or mental, and can still pass college courses.

But honestly, if I sit in my bed all day drooling on myself, costing people a lot of money, and nevere leaving my room, what exactly am I contributing? Germs?

Some people are burdens, that doesn't mean we ought not to take care of them, but it is ludicrous to say that someone who isn't doing anything is contributing to something, and I won't stand to have it said as long as I live, breathe, and drool.

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